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The official language of the US is English, however, because of the large numbers of immigrants, many different languages are spoken throughout the fifty states. In states with high percentage of Hispanics {California, Texas and New York} a growing number of people speak Spanish. In these states, many schools are bilingual and children are taught in both Spanish and English.

The US has one of the strongest economies in the world. The American dollar is used for trade in countries across the globe. The US is a leading country in agriculture, in the chemical, car and machinery industry, and in minerals and raw materials. Currently, the fastest growing industries in the US are aeronautics, space technology and computers. Although strong in industry, two thirds of Americans work in the service sector - providing services in tourism, banking and transportation. Agriculture plays a large role in the US economy. The quality of soil in North America is excellent. The US produces the majority of the world` s corn, soybeans, tomatoes, apples, oranges and tobacco. Although the US produces 20 percent of the world` s food, less than 2 percent of the population works in agriculture. The US is rich in minerals. It has one of the world` s largest recourses of coal, concentrated in the Appalachia mountains and by the Lake Michigan. The US also has strong oil and natural gas mining operations in Texas, Oklahoma, Gulf of Mexico and Alaska. The US` s main trading partners are Canada and Japan.

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