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World's current problems

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Social and psychical effects of modern society

Except the troubles that have already been mentioned, there are ones, smaller but even more serious. And remember big trouble coming from many small ones. Human being existed for quite a long time, it's movement from caves and tents to cities like New York or even Prague was to fare for human itself to adapt. The biggest part of human is animal and it is not used to live in such conditions. It has to keep social rules, laws and so on. Most of it is not natural. In our past we had strong religion which was able to hold back the anima, by what, by fear. By fear of punishment which would surely come. As soon as we find out that we can brake religion rules and sun would not fall down we have loosen the bonds and freed the animal. You don't believe? OK why not, but according to scientific reports, most of our troubles and frustration in our everyday lives have origin in the fact we have not had time to adapt to quickly changing condition of current world.

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