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  • middle-class family; puritans – round hats (unhappy about the religion, how Christianity was represented by Anglican church)

  • we do not know a lot about his mother; his father was a musician (although he was puritan, they appreciate art which leads us to the God)

  • made money as scrivener – wrote for people who cannot write

  • when he was young, he was weak, ill, had problems with eyes

  • he had teacher at home, although it was not typically (it was common only in aristocracy)

  • he started with writing poetry on Cambridge

  • upon graduation, he was sent to grand tour by his parents

    1. travel to abroad because of practising knowledge in real life

      • favourite places were Italy (Rome) and France (Paris), less Spain, Germany

    2. again, typically for aristocracy

    3. we do not have precise information about his travels

      • but we knew that he met Galileo Galilee, Hugo Grotius

  • then became politician – connected with Oliver Cromwell (he appreciated Milton)

  • Milton was appointed to position of a secretary for foreign tongues when the king was executed

    1. he started to write political essays – Defensio prima, Defensio secunda, Of Education, Areopagitica (name from place in Greece where it was believed that gods had tribunals), Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce (Milton claimed in this essay that marriage should be based on love, he used also the Bible for argumentation for divorce)

    2. Common Wealth was isolated → he had to explain it → brochures, essays

  • when you wanted to publish, you had to have permission – Milton claimed that everybody should be able to publish freely with exception of Muslims, Jews etc. – this issue firstly mentioned in Areopagitica

  • he turned blind

  • longer poems – Paradise Lost (inspired by Genesis), Paradise Regained (episode from the life of Jesus Kris, he was 40 days in desert, the devil tried him), Samson Agonistes (from Old Testament, about hero whose power is in his long hair, her wife Delilah cut them)

  • he dictated to friends and scriveners – not to his daughters

  • devoted Christian

  • Revolution broke out →civil servant for Oliver Cromwell, secretary for foreign tongues (Italian, French, Greek, Latin), also "minister for propaganda" → to explain puritans' course (The king's execution...)

  • Areopagitica - first theory about freedom of speech

  • His poems are very musical, religious nature (→ not read so much these days)

  • William Shakespeare

    1. 1564–1616

    2. Stratford-upon-Avon

    3. 23th April

    4. Stratford is the farthest place from the sea

    5. middle class family

      1. father – making and selling gloves – merchant

        • quite successful businessman

      2. mother – from noble and old family but not rich

    6. local school called grammar school – primary and secondary up to 2nd grade

      1. Arithmetic, History, Latin, Greek

      2. he had general knowledge

    7. age of 18 – married Anne Hathaway (3 years older)

      1. not happily married – they married because the woman was pregnant

      2. had two children

    8. disappeared to London – two theories – escape from the marriage or because he was in danger of being arrested (because of hunting deer illegally – poach)

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