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Didaktika cizích jazyků - přednášky

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  • Simplified texts may give misleading information.

  • Not all texts will be of equal interest to students.

  • Ss want quick answer to simple questions, using text may seem too complicated.

Learners start using a new grammar pattern after:

  • exposure to the language

  • noticing and understanding the items being used

  • trying to use the language items themselves in ´safe´ practice ways and in more demanding contexts

  • remembering the things they have learnt;

Structure of present-practice-produce


  • refers to the point in your lesson where you want the learners really to focus on a piece of grammar, i.e. to see it, think about it and understand it, to become much clearer on its form, meaning and use.

Advice: The best way to avoid over-long, unhelpful explanations – prepare them carefully when lesson planning:

  • Information to be stated explicitly (wording of the instructions)

  • Timelines (časové osy)

  • Substitution tables

  • Clear examples and diagrams - to be well-prepared in advance

  • Prepare the instructions carefully – graded and arranged, thinking of possible pitfalls.

Guided discovery

  • This technique is based on creating activities that allow learners to generate their own discoveries and explanations.

  • Role of teacher:

    • Select appropriate task

    • Offer appropriate instructions, help, feedback

    • Manage and structure the lesson so that Ss get involved

Restricted output activities

  • Designed by their focus on limited options for use of the language - limited options for communication, focus on accuracy; typical restricted activities:

1. drills (repetition, substitution, transformation)

2. exercises (printed exercise in course-books, e.g. gap-filling, matching, multiple- choice)

3. dialogues (short dialogues created to practise particular item of grammar)

4. games (e.g. Miming an action, Growing stories)

Repetition drills

Teacher: He´s going to open the door.

Students: He´s going to open the door.

Teacher: He´s going to drive the car.

Students: He´s going to drive the car.

Substitution drills

Teacher: He´s going to drive a car

Students: He´s going to drive a car

Teacher: bus

Students: He´s going to drive a bus.

Teacher: taxi

Teacher: He´s going to eat a cake.

Students: He´s going to eat a cake.

Teacher: coffee

Students: He´s going to drink coffee.

Teacher: film

Students: He´s going to watch a film.

Transformation drills:

Teacher: He´s opening the cake tin.

Students: He´s going to eat a cake.

Teacher: He´s standing beside the swimming pool.

Students: He´s going to swim.

True sentences:

Teacher: What are you doing after school?

Students: I am playing football

Teacher: and tonight?

Students: I am watching TV

When drilling

  • Do not drill improbable English.

  • Personalise some items.

  • Keep the atmosphere humorous but focus serious.

  • Make sure Ss get practice, not you.

  • Use gestures, mime, pictures, boards.

Written exercises

  • Use of text book activities - work in pairs, groups, teams

  • Make a printed exercise more game like

Témata, do kterých materiál patří