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Teaching grammar

What is grammar?

This is 65468. We are not at home right now. Please leave a message after the beep.

Please leave a message after the beep. This is 65468. We are not at home right now.

  • “Grammar is process for making a speaker’s or writer’s meaning clear when contextual information is lacking.” = learners need to learn not only the forms but also their meanings.

  • “Grammar is a description of rules that govern how a language’s sentences are formed.”

  • “Grammar is conventionally seen as study of syntax and morphology.”

Grammar framework


Representational – helps us to represent the world by subjects, objects, adverbials, tense, aspect

The children are playing/The children are playing in the garden

Interpersonal – helps us to influence how things happen - reflects how we use grammar to ease the task of having something done

Tickets!/ Tickets, please./ Can you show me your tickets, please?

Spoken grammar x written grammar

Grammar syllabus

selection x grading

usefulness x frequency

Core grammar

  • A/an/the/adjectives-comparatives, superlatives/ be-present, past/ can, can’t –ability, request/ going to/like+noun/ like+ing/ past simple/possessive adjectives/prepositions of place and time/present continuous/ present simple/should /would/will

When grading syllabus think about:

Complexity – less complex structures should be taught before the more complex ones e.g. present continuous before present perfect continuous

Learnability – natural order of acquisition


Grammar rules

Prescriptive grammar refers to the structure of a language as certain people think it should be used.

Descriptive grammar refers to the structure of a language as it's actually used by speakers and writers.

Pedagogical rules that make sense to learners, and provides them with means and confidence to generate language


Descriptive: prefix (inter-), root (face), both used as a noun and a verb

Prescriptive: Is it ok to use the word as a verb?

  • When they have generic reference , both concrete and abstract non count nouns, and usually also plural count nouns are …

  • Always use different from, never use different to

  • Never use the passive when you can use the active

  • You use the when the person you are talking to knows which person or thing you mean.

  • You do not normally use the with proper nouns referring to people

  • If you are talking about something that is happening now, you use the present continuous: They are watching TV now.

Grammar and methods

  • Grammar –Translation method – explicit grammar explanation

  • Direct method - mid 19th century, focused on skills, Ss pick up grammar through LA

  • Audiolingualism – strict rejection of grammar teaching

  • Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) , 1970s, communicative competence consists of more than simply the knowledge of rules of grammar

Grammar now

Overt grammar teaching – teaching to a grammar syllabus and explicitly presenting the rules of grammar. Using grammar terminology

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