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Underline only the words which contain the sound shown.

1. /ʌ/ come through comb none rough gone

cough doctor touch calm flood tough

2. /ɒ/ want don't squash chalk stock body ghost gone shone post once swan

3. /e/ friend any wheat sweat meant best thread heal health breast beast breath

4./ Ə/ afraid other computer Africa career Japanese

photo photograph camera moment internet person

5. / ɑː/ heart heard gather rather pass calm

glass bass walk large aunt taught

6./ɔː/ caught taught corn dawn thought board

bought torn shone calm work worn

7. /uː/ bloom blood foot food boot hood full fool through thorough flood pull

8. /ɜː/ nurse wore worse heart hurt heard

earth beard pearl person refer referee

9. /aʊ/ fowl foul towel (tripth.) tow though bough flower (triph.) mower shout youth south blouse

10. /t/ think listen Christmas soften matter Thames

thyme kicked whistle mortgage jumped guessed

11. / f / phase leave cough of off through rough live graph laughter daughter love

12./θ/ there father either those bath truth

cloth breathe method thyme thank that

13./đ / ethics bath healthy theme them these bathe south southern breathe lethal clothing

14. /s/ husband reason pressure this these island prays price impression lose loose peas

15. /z/ raise this rise houses wise prices choose blouse muse crisis bruise case

16. / ʃ / pressure conscience solution mishear mission session

champagne leisure sure China confusion usual

17. /h/ honest exhaust behave weigh why honour hour heir rhubarb where exhibit ache

18. /n/ monk anger solemn enter long enjoy anchor gnome hymn knight gnat sinking

19. /w/ known write follow away sword quite

why fowl quay show new squirrel

20. /j/ news you usual useful yellow united computer pure day banjo suit untied


1.The short vowel schwa/ Ə/ is a different phoneme from the diphthong /Əʊ/. The word ago has both sounds.

2.Final /s/ in price is followed by /z/ in the plural prices /sIz/

3.Don‘t confuse the diphthong /aʊ/ and the phoneme /w/.Now is /naʊ/ fowl/foul = /faʊl/

4.New is /nju:/

Témata, do kterých materiál patří