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- content (open class) = words with "real/full" meaning, these are classes within which new words come into language examples: nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs

- function(closed class) = their role is mainly grammatical, their number in a language is fixed and does not increase examples: determiners, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions...

For each individual part of speech a student should be able to explain how it is defined and distinguished from other parts of speech


Proper nouns name specific people, places, things, or ideas.

These name specific people, places, things, or ideas.

example: Britney, Paris, Rover, Nike

Since these nouns are naming specific things, they begin with capital letters. Sometimes, they contain two or more important words.

example: Britney Spears, Central Park Zoo, Pacific Ocean


Common nouns name non-specific people, places, things, or ideas.

Common nouns are your run-of-the-mill, generic nouns, They name people, places, things or ideas that are not specific.

example: woman, city, dog, shoe

Since these nouns are not naming anything specific, they do not need to start with capital letters unless they begin a sentence.

Common nouns can be Countable nouns (concrete / abstract)

Uncountable nouns (concrete / abstract)

concrete: table, child, station, food, storm

abstract: hope, responsibility, anger, efficiency, consternation

A) COUNTABLE NOUNS (počitatelná podstatná jména)

- mohou vytvářet množné číslo

example: (table - tables, dog - dogs, teacher - teachers, house - houses, child - children...)

- v jednotném čísle mohou mít neurčitý člen

example: (a table = ONE table, a teacher = ONE teacher, a house, a child)

- v jednotném čísle obvykle nemohou mít SOME/ANY

example: (some table, some house...)

= are marked for number, it means that singular and plural forms can be distinguished

plural regular (chief=chiefs, roof=roofs, safe=safes,...)

irregular (mouse=mice, goose=geese, foot=feet,...)

1) both regular and irregular forms: dwarf, hoof, scarf, handkerchief, turf

2) regular spelling, irregular pronunciation (z): baths, mouths, paths, houses

3) nouns with plurals ending in -'s: letters, years, abbreviations

4) nouns ending in -o: usually - oes: heroes

- both forms -oes, -os: buffalo, cargo, mosquito

- only - os: bamboos, folios, kangaroos, radios, studios

5) same singular and plural: sheep, craft (but crafts as a subject) some nationalities: Vietnamese, Chinese, Swiss

6) foreign plurals: criterion=criteria, phenomenon=phenomena, basis=bases, crisis=crises, analysis=analyses, thesis=theses, radius=radii, terminus=termini, syllabus=syllabi

B) UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS (nepočitatelná podstatná jména)

Tato druhá skupina obsahuje slova, u kterých NELZE vytvářet množné číslo, nelze je počítat na kusy. Jedná se např. o abstraktní pojmy či látková podstatná jména. Jako příklad si můžeme uvést slovo SNOW (sníh). Ani v češtině nelze říci jeden sníh, dva sněhy, hodně sněhů. To stejné platí v angličtině.

Témata, do kterých materiál patří