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Pozor, některá podstatná jména, která jsou v češtině počitatelná, jsou v angličtině nepočitatelná. Uveďme si jen několik příkladů:

hair (vlasy)

money (peníze)

information (informace)

Nepočitatelná podstatná jména:

- nemohou vytvářet množné číslo

example: (money - moneys, snow - snows, information - informations...)

- v jednotném čísle nemohou mít neurčitý člen

example: (a money, an information, a love)

- v jednotném čísle mohou mít SOME/ANY

example: (some money, some information, some snow...)

Nouns always uncountable:

example: advice (piece of advice), information (a piece of information), luggage (a piece of luggage), money (a note / a coin), news (a piece of news), knowledge (a fact),...


- we can use either a singular or a plural verb with most collective nouns, i.e. nouns referring to a group of people, animals or things, e.g. family, government, group, staff, team, band, class, jury, army, cast, committee, herd, number, flock

The family has agreed that the funeral should be held in Ireland.

A plural verb presents the noun as a group of individuals, e.g. family members:

The family are all gathering here for Christmas.

A large number of proper nouns fall into this category, e.g. the United Nations:

The United Nations has agreed to deploy a peacekeeping force.

The United Nations are in disagreement on this issue.

with both singular and plural: audience, class, club, committee, group, jury, staff...

only plural: cattle, the clergy, the military, the police, vermin, people

plural form + singular verb: news, billiards, checkers, chess, (some words ending in -ics: mathematics, gymnastics, linguistics, athletics, physics,...)

plural form + both singular and plural verb: acoustics, economics, ethics, phonetics, statistics - when referring to an academic subject: singular, when as a result of this subject with specific reference: plural


Subject Collective Noun Subject Collective Noun ants colony buffalo herd bees swarm camels caravan

pluralia tantum = nouns that in a given sense have only the plural form (in some cases they may also have the singular form + the corresponding plural form, but with a different meaning)

example: glasses=brýle, irons=pouta, pictures=kino, experiences=zážitky, goods=zboží, scissors=nůžky, cattle=dobytek, pants=kalhoty

many nouns can be used both as:

countable and uncountable

-an object made of substance iron, glass, paper, ice substance

-a particular variety, usually precede wine, beer, tea, coffee cola substance

by an adj. (This region produces an

excellent wine.)


- sometimes we use a plural noun for one thing that has two parts

example: trousers (two legs), jeans/tights/shorts/pants, pyjamas (top and bottom), glasses (or spectacles), binoculars, scissors,...

These words are plural, so they take a plural verb:

example: My trousers are too long. (not 'is too long')

You can also use a pair of + these words:

Those are nice jeans. or That's a nice pair of jeans.

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