Lesson planning přednáška
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Lesson Planning
Lessons from different perspectives
Lessons includeCooperative interaction
Goal –orientated effort
Interesting/enjoyable experience
A Role-based cultures
A social event
A series of free choices
Functions of the teacher in the English
Learner – centred approach
Instructor - Activator - Model -Provider of
feedback - Supporter- Assessor - Manager
Interaction patterns in the lesson
Teacher talk
Choral responses
Closed-ended teacher questioning
Open- ended teacher questioning
Full-class interaction
Interaction patterns in the lesson
Student initiates, teacher answers
Individual work
Group work
Self- access
Learners talk about their
hobbies and interests in
Task checking/report back
Teacher asks the learners
what they talked about.
Reading for gist
Learners read a text quickly
to understand the gist and
answer questions
Checking answers
Learners compare answers
to reading
Activity route map
• pre-class: familiarise yourself with the material and
activity; prepare any materials or texts you need;
• in-class: lead-in/prepare for the activity;
• set up the activity; (give clear instructions, make
groupings etc.)
• run the activity: the students do the activity (maybe in
pairs or small groups while you monitor and help);
• close the activity and invite feedback from the
• post-activity: do any appropriate follow-on work;
(Scrivener, 2005, 47)
• In class: lead-in/prepare for the activity: try to
raise motivation or interest;
• show/draw a picture connected to the topic +
ask questions;
• write up a sentence + elicit reactions;
• tell an anecdote related to the topic;
• ask about students´ experiences;
• write a key word (a topic name) on the board
and elicit related vocabulary from the
students, etc.