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Lesson planning přednáška

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• Set up the activity (or its section); give clear 

instructions, make groupings etc. 

• It may be advisable to check back that the 

instructions have been understood.

• Running the activity (or its section): the 

students do the activity while you monitor 
and help.

• Monitor at the start to check that the task has 

been understood. Then, allow the students to 
work on the task without too much further 
interference. (Be prepared to help, but also 
stop the task early if necessary.)

• Close the activity and invite feedback from 

the students. Allow the activity enough time 
to close properly. 

• If you want to close the activity while many 

are still working, give a time warning/limit.

• Post activity: do any appropriate follow-on work,


• groups compare the answers with other groups 

or the printed answers in the teacher´s book, 
each group is asked to report back at the end;

• get a student to come up front and manage the 

answer checking;

• collect all answer sheets and re-distribute them 

for correcting by other students;

• divide the board into spaces for answers, give 

pens to different students to fill the board up 
with their answers; the whole class then look and 

(ibid., 44) 

Lesson Planning

the ´art of combining a number of different 
elements (classroom activities) into a coherent 
whole, so that a lesson has an identity which the 
students can recognise, work within and react to
´ (Harmer, 2001: 308).

Pre-planning and the plan

Harmer, 2001:310

The 4 main planning elements: 

• 1) Activities
• The teacher must decide about the activities 

to be best for a particular group of students at 
a particular point in a lesson (on a particular 
day) and then try to balance the variety of 
activities/exercises to offer the best possible 
chance of engaging and motivating the class. 

• 2) Skills
• The teacher needs to make a decision about 

the language skills he wishes his students to 
develop (sometimes given by the syllabus

Témata, do kterých materiál patří