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Lesson planning přednáška

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• how to work towards the skill, which sub-skill 

to practise. 

• 3) Language
• The teacher must decide what language 

(the ´systems´ – e.g. grammar, 
vocabulary/lexis) we want the students to 
learn, practise, research, use. 

• 4) Content
• The teacher needs to make a decision about 

the ´language material´/topic which is likely to 
provoke interest and involvement. 

• Rule – to create balance between variety and 

coherence → pass the thoughts through the 
filter of practical reality (our knowledge of the 
classroom, the equipment available, the time, 
the attitude of the institution).  (Harmer, 2001)

The plan

Harmer, 2001:  311

Formal plan

The Formal Plan – should contain the following elements:

1. class description and timetable fit

• level of students, age, boys/girls, time of the day, 

preferences and interests, usual level of enthusiasm, 
etc. – detailed/individual descriptions appropriate with 
smaller groups – to meet individual needs;

• timetable fit - where the lesson fits in a sequence of 

classes (the before and after, including the types of 
activities the students have been involved in);

2. lesson aims
• the best classroom aims:
• specific + directed towards an outcome which 

can be measured (My aim is that my students 
should/can … by the end of the class); 

It is important to decide
What material you will use
What activities will be done
The teaching point ( the language skills and 
systems that you will work on
Topics or contexts that will be used
Aims of the lesson

to allow the students to practise speaking 
spontaneously + provoke them to use recently 
presented vocabulary;
to enable the students to talk about what 
people have done wrong in the past (using the 
chosen structure);
to have students think of the interview genre + 
list related questions;  (Harmer, 2001, 314)

3. activities, procedures and timing
• the actual ´body´ of a plan – a list of activities 

and procedures to be realised in class 

+ the times we expect each of them to take; 
+ the aids and different interactions in class.
(see the template for the teaching practicum

Témata, do kterých materiál patří