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Cvičení – 12. 12. 2016

Expository Paragraph

  • To expose (verb) – reveal something

  • Show what something is really like

  • Trying to convince the reader about something, argues something

  • College is expensive – dormitory is expensive, you have to pay for travelling (reasons, arguments)

We need evidence: 1) Facts (specific) 2) Examples 3) Anecdotes

  1. Not all that glitters is gold

  2. The chase is better than catch

  3. There is more than one way to skin a cat

2 – At high school we had to go to tourist training and spend a week in the middle of nowhere. One day the teachers prepared a journey to treasure. When we’ll find it first then it’ll be ours. I had gone with my best friend and we had to solve some puzzles to get another piece of map. When we had found out that we aren’t he first who find the treasure we weren’t even angry because an angry dog almost bit us, we got lost for a while and it was really funny time and that’s important.

Cvičení – 19.12. 2016


  • Focus on the important information

  • Read the questions

  • Prepare for the topic

Cvičení – 9.1. 2017


Implicit Explicit

  • Hidden, unsaid, only suggested - Written down, said…

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