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Kultura a literatura-přednášky-zápisy

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  • In real life these archetypes take images – image of the Child, Sage (wise man), Hero, Great Mother, Trickster (plays jokes), Devil, Mentor (Tabitha Bramble wants to take image of mother)

Jacques Lacan

  • He connects psychoanalysis with language

  • He was attracted by study of dreams

  • Wishes, desires function as signifiers – the signifying chain, unstable, one signifier leads to another

  • Words are anywhere, they are symbols – words are symbols

  • Our unconscious is structured like language

  • The room is a metaphor, or the house – if we dream that we want to change in our room, there is a problem in our life → it is like a message to us

  • Wishes and desires are signifiers – one signifier leads to each other

  • Need, demand, desire = real, imaginary, symbolic

    • When the child is born, he has a real needs – he is hungry, wants to be put in bed to sleep… - those needs are shown with real sounds, there is no pressure from society

    • When the child grows, he is able to a higher level – to the imaginary – to make connections

    • The highest level is the symbolic

  • Age 3 – 5 the baby is in society where the language is – it is very important age for him to learn language, child must see us walking to be able to learn to walk

  • If we don’t learn a language in this age, we are lost

  • Language is symbolic and very difficult – there is no reason to call a cup “a cup”, we could call it “blabla” – t is only symbolic

  • Mirror stage – a child is looking to the mirror, they see someone else in the mirror, they don’t understand it is them – the child makes the difference between self and the other

Julia Kristeva

  • The Revolution of the Poetic Language – her first work

  • Semiotic and symbolic – she continues the idea of Jacques Lacan

  • For her – Semiotic stage – during this stage the mother and child have a language and they understand themselves – the mother gave him food, washed him, changed diapers

  • Later the mother wants the baby to sit on the potty and to be clean – in all of the sudden mother wants me to do something

  • Child learns that there is outside rule, he has to obey (podřídit se) – it has to do with body

  • In the same time the child starts learning the language – it is a symbolic system which exist outside – there is very strong pressure from family, society – language is also a system of rules – it has to do with mind – if the child wants water, he must say the word “water” – words in a language are symbolic – symbols

Gender literary theory

  • Gender vs. sex

  • “Sex” refers to biology – certain features, certain body – it determines our body

  • We are not only body, we are more than a body because we have society and culture


  • In Europe we are preparing pink things for a girl, blue things for a boy/in different cultures people can be very happy to have a boy and they can kill the baby if it is a girl

  • Society prepares for the child

  • Society wants us to behave in a certain way when we are a girl, in different way when we are a boy

  • How the gender is represented – it is important to see this in a literature

  • Judith Butler – Gender Trouble – gender is a performance – we are all actors - every morning we wake up and we prepare ourselves in a certain way – we put on jewellery/or not, we put on makeup/or not, we move in a certain way, we behave in a certain way – we are like actors – we try to perform the best we can, our masculine or feminine gender

    • Simone de Beauvoir - woman is made by society

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