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Sport training is a process of preparation for a sport performance, put simply. It consists of four parts:
Conditioning training (strength training, endurance training, flexibility training)
Training of technique (Technical preparation)
Training of tactics (Tactical preparation)
Psychological training (Mental preparation)
Before considering the technical aspects of training, experts recommend ten concepts as the backbone of any successful training program:
Define your goals (You may have one primary goal and several minor ones.)
Match your sport to your goals and your abilities (Carefully evaluate your physical, emotional, and social needs and abilities.)
Set intermediate goals (You should have several sets of goals: general goals, long-range goals, season goals, monthly, weekly, even daily goals.)
Plan your workout (Divide your workout into four phases: warm-up, skills practice, match- related practice, cool-down.)
Get professional coaching help (Ask your coach to analyze your game, correct your form, and help you plan your workouts.)
Join a club or sports organization (Not only will you enjoy working out with others, you will also learn from them.)
Maintain year-round fitness (Ideally, the off-season should be used to rest and to work on building your strength, endurance, or aerobic capacity without the strain of competition.)
Prevent injuries (In addition to avoiding sport-specific injuries, you should devote part of each workout to general injury prevention. Warming up, stretching, and cooling down are the key stones of injury prevention. Don’t forget that protective equipment is as much part of the game as the rules.)
Use sport-specific training (Sport-specific training is the best way to develop the fine neuromuscular coordination and judgment we call skill. Depending on your sport, you will also develop some cardiovascular fitness, endurance, strength, and speed as you play.)
Enjoy yourself (Some of the reasons why athletes stop enjoying their sport might be overtraining, poor goal setting, or unrealistic expectations.)
Whatever is your particular sport, game, exercise system, martial art or physical activity; there are basic principles which apply to increasing your performance.
Overload (the stimulus magnitude)
Progressive resistance (Progression)
Regularity (Frequency)
Rest and recovery
Proper training environment
Recognition of different physical goal requirements
Prevention of overtraining
To bring about positive changes in an athlete’s state, an exercise overload must be applied. The training adaptation takes place only if the magnitude of the training load is above the habitual level. During the training process, there are two ways to induce the adaptation.
1) One is to increase the training load (intensity, volume) while continuing to employ the same drill (e.g. endurance running).