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1. Philology and Linguistics

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Philology - the study of literature and linguistics focused on a specific language. Started earlier.


  • the study of the human capacity for language

  • search for language universals (properties that all languages share)

  • the study of language as such

Implicit knowledge
(what you know intuitively without necessarily realizing so)

Explicit knowledge

(being able to describe and explain how things work)



  • You can produce and recognize the sound of your language


  • You know how the sounds of your language work together


  • You know what parts are words made of and what the individual parts mean


  • You can produce and interpret well-formed (grammatical) sentences


  • You can determine the meaning of a sentence


  • You know how context affects the meaning of sentences


  • The ABILITY to put your thoughts into words (to encode)

  • OR: the ABILITY to understand the meaning of someone else’s words (to decode)


  • Actually using your competence

  • Depends on sleep, stress, focus

What is language?

  • Difficult to define, we need to talk about what is it rather than a function

  • Linguist must difine the object of their interest

Design features of language

the first ones are communication in general, the last ones it talks about human L in particular

  • Mode (way the message gets transsimtted- written, speech)

  • Advantage of speaking – free hands, easily catch someones attention

  • Disadvantage – speaking during running – hard to breathe

  • Semancity (language convey meaning/information)

  • Cultural transmission (transmisson between generations, a part is genetic transmisson= what we were born with, cultural transmission means we learn it after birth from our parents/family)

  • Arbitrariness (arbitrary – „random“) the particular form chosem arbitrarily to represent the given meaning, one does not determine the other (po – czech means after, in french means skin)


  • onomatopoeic words – immitating the sound, there is a similarity with the thing you are immitating (but it is not for 100% - sneeze is different)

  • „sound symbolism“ – sounds themselves gives us a feel, two names and most of us gave the one name to a bigger guy

  • Reduplication – not often in English or Czech (vid – adding a „vát“)

  • Swahili: piga „to strike“; pigapiga „to strike repeatedly“

  • Czech: malinkatý > malililinkatý

  • Discreteness – each sound is distinct from another

  • Duality of patterning - one level of speech sounds, but they mean anything, when you combine them (=duality of patterning) they have some meaning

  • Level 1 - speech sounds

  • English – 30 speech sounds (moderate amount to recognise them and pronounce them right)

  • Two extremes: minimum – 10, maximum – 120 speech sounds

  • Level 2 – their combinations (we combine them in a potentially infinite number of ways)

  • Productivity

  • We combine speech sounds in a potentially infinite number of ways => we can invent new words (finding a new flower)

  • Every day we are making new sentences and combination of sentences (=texts)

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