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3. Language Acquisition

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  • To acquire = to get, to obtain

  • Acquisition (uncount.) = the action of obtaining

  • We are acquiring things implicitly, learning is an explicit process

  • How language began, how it works, what language is, how people work, who we are

  • Why be interested?

  • Language teaching, speech disorder,

Basic distinction

  • First language acquisition (FLA)

  • Native language, mother tongue

  • Second language acquisition (SLA)

  • Additional languages

First language acquisition

  • Age is different from learning second language

  • Children in belly can learn rhytm, can hear only low frequencies

  • First we are listeners, then speakers

  • Linguistic competence = ability to use our knowledge

  • Two parts: Lexicon (items you have to remember) and Grammar (rules for handling items in lexicon)

  • Every learner has to learn a lot by heart, form generally formulated rules (question – swap subject and verb)

  • 6-year-old knows passively ca. 13 000 words = 8 new words a day, high-school graduate – 60 000 words

  • Vocabulary spurt

  • Phonotactics??

Two competing learning strategies

  1. Learn everything by heart

  • Choo-choo = train

  • Come-here = come

  • Advantage – little processing capacity required

  • Disadvantage – limited storage

  1. Form and rule that generates correct forms

  • Plural in english we are not learning them by heart, we learn a rule to make them

  • Advantage – no storage needed

  • Disadvantage – requires processing – slower

  • Discovering “rules” of grammar


Possibility n.1 – adults help their children to do that

Parent can’t teach them, they do not have the ability to teach them, they do it implicitly

  1. Exaggerated intonation – it makes you to pay attention

  2. More disctict vowels (I,u,a) – kids have more eggatereted diffence

  3. Reduced complexity – using simple sentences, parents change their length of a sentences when the kid was just about to start talking

  4. Conversational interaction – parent is trying to interact with their children, alhough the didn’t responde - really good for learning !

But they are not teaching explicitly, children are not able to pick it up (no, say “nobody like me!”)

Possibility n.2 – Grammar is part of the genetic endowment of humans

If it is like this, there must be some universal tendencies in every language

Universial tendencies:

  • perception and production

  • CV syllables!

  • Overgeneralization

  • Overextension

Possibility n. 3 – children are born equipped only with general (not language-specialized) learning mechanims


  • Adults tend to have general mental abilities, but their language learning abilities are not so good => they are not good at learning a new language

  • A critical age after which children lose the language-learning advantage

  • Why is it difficult? You already know your L1

  • Bringing aspects of L1 to L2 = transfer

  • If L1 helps = positive transfer

  • IF L2 “hurts” = negative transfer

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