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In Company Answer Key

e Don’t worry, he’ll phone you back within the hour.

f I’ll take that call if you like.

g I’ll send the figures right away.

2 1 c 2 g 3 f 4 a 5 e 6 d 7 b

3 a

A I really need that report today.

B I’ll finish it this morning.

A OK, I’ll look forward to seeing it.


A My plane gets in at seven.

B I’ll come and meet you at the airport.

A Great. I’ll see you there, then.


A I’m just off to a meeting.

B I’ll phone you later, then.

A Fine. I’ll just give you my mobile number.


A Eva’s off sick today.

B I’ll have to speak to her, I’m afraid.

A OK, I’ll see if I can reach her at home.


A She wants to see you – now!

B I’ll be right there.

A Good. I’ll tell her you’re on your way.

4 a busy, later

b give, right

c desk, look

d try, time

e make, know

f wait, details

g leave, OK

h nothing, away

Phrase bank: Polite requests

a P

b D

c D

d E

e P

f D

g E

h P

i D

Offering assistance

a I’ll see b I’ll get c I’ll see d I’ll sort e I’ll get f I’ll call g I’ll speak h I’ll do i I’ll get j I’ll get

Ending a call

a have

b keep

c get, Speak

d got , Catch

Témata, do kterých materiál patří