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In Company Answer Key

7 Handling calls

page 39


Business phone calls can reduce productivity because of the time they take up. Even a modest reduction in calls can increase productivity. Most business calls are not important enough to justify executives stopping what they are doing to answer them.

Devices such as the Blackberry can become so much a part of business people’s lives that they think they are receiving calls even when they aren’t. Overuse can also lead to medical problems.

Addiction to mobile phones can intrude into your personal life. People are becoming incapable of ignoring ringing phones no matter what else they are doing at the time.

page 40


a busy, ring

b disturbed, hold

c possible, answer

d expecting, pick up

e important, leave

f real, unplug

g out, divert

page 40


Asking politely

a if possible

b if you can

c if you would

d if you’re not too busy

e if you’ve got time

f if you’ve got a minute

g if it’s not too much trouble

page 40


Could you ...

email me my flight details

let me have a copy of the report

get on to our supplier

get back to me within the hour

take a quick look at the proposal

arrange for somebody to meet me at the station

set up a meeting with the heads of department

send their accounts department a reminder

fix me an appointment

book the conference room for three

fax the figures through to me

organise a tour of the plant for some visitors

page 41


Unexpected phone calls

Call 1 d Call 2 c Call 3 a Call 4 b

page 41


Call 1

a The receiver doesn’t speak English well and thinks the caller wants a car, rather than that she works for What Car? magazine.

b He fetches someone who speaks better English.

Call 2

a He says he is in a meeting and asks the caller to e-mail the figures.

Call 3

a He is unprofessional, informal and casual.

b a pension fund

Call 4

a at the Expo in São Paulo

b an introduction to the boss

page 41


Call 1

a Can you put

b I’m afraid I

c Can you speak

Call 2

a I’m calling about

b I’m afraid I

c Can I call

Call 3

a What can I

b Do you know

c Who am I

Call 4

a I’m sorry to

b Can I ask

c Can you give

page 42


a OK, I’ll see what I can do.

b OK, I’ll see if I can reach him on his cellphone.

c OK, I’ll call back later.

d OK, I’ll do that right away.

e OK, I’ll speak to you later.

f OK, I’ll wait to hear from you then.

g OK, I’ll sort something out.

h OK, I’ll get someone who speaks better English.

i OK, I’ll get back to you tomorrow.

Page 43-44


Language links

Vocabulary: Office life

1 do 2 fax 3 check 4 get 5 circulate 6 delegate 7 update 8 running 9 hold 10 cleared 11 print 12 grab 13 cancel 14 listen 15 put 16 meet 17 crash 18 arrange 19 pick 20 give 21 make 22 missed 23 break 24 contact 25 fix 26 can 27 get 28 postpone 29 finish 30 phone 31 leave 32 hit 33 celebrate 34 blew 35 screwed 36 feeling 37 draft 38 hand

Grammar: will

1 a Will you help me?

b Stop making personal calls or I’ll charge you for them.

c I expect the company will do well.

d I won’t accept anything less than 2%.

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