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In Company Answer Key

12 Presenting

page 69


a talk b knowledge c appearance d humour e contact f attitude g voice h visuals i language j preparation

page 70



1 C 2 P 3 P 4 C 5 C 6 P

page 70


I have said that great men are a mixed lot | but there are orders of great men | there are great men | who are great men | amongst all men | but there are also great men | who are great | amongst great men | and that is the sort of great man | whom you have amongst you tonight | I go back 2,500 years | and how many of them can I count in that period | I can count them | on the fingers of my two hands | Pythagoras | Ptolemy | Aristotle | Copernicus | Kepler | Galileo | Newton | Einstein | and I still have two fingers left vacant | my lords | ladies | and gentlemen | are you ready for the toast | health | and length of days | to the greatest of our contemporaries | Einstein.

page 70


a See answers to Exercise 4.

b We tend to pause after stressed words, which are usually the main ‘content words’, such as nouns and verbs.

c If we pause less often, it sounds more fluent (but not enough pausing can become monotonous and difficult to follow).

If we pause more often, it can sound powerful and dramatic (but too much pausing can sound pretentious or aggressive).

page 70


A Team Presentation

a A bank which ...

b Funny kind of bank? Unbelievable? Even a little magical?

c ... efficient, safe and secure; You can, naturally, choose when, where and how to deal with your money.

d A bank designed around you, which doesn’t expect you to fit round it.

page 71


a 3 b 1 c 2 d 4

page 71


Structuring a Presentation

a off b on c back d to e about f of g for h up

page 71


1 c 2 h 3 g 4 a 5 e, f 6 b, d

page 72


Usual Visuals

a Have b see c point d show e give f mean

page 72


rise a level off g fluctuate c peak d recover f bottom out e fall b

page 72


A Technical Problem

1 a and d

2 a number of months since they went online; b number of hits a day nine months ago; c number of months Gary Cale has been with the company; d number of hits a day three months ago

3 slow access speed, website too complicated, poor search engines

4 to win back customer confidence and to make a profit

5 graph b

6 a, b and d

page 72


at the same time: a, b

one after the other: c, d

page 73


Giving a short presentation

Language links

Vocabulary: Presentations

Communication skills

make/stress a point

quote/compare figures

address/raise an issue

describe/refer to a graph

tell/crack jokes

field/deal with questions

Grammar: Past Continuous

1 a 2 b 1 c 4 d 3


Hello, Inge. Er, sure. I was just going out for lunch, but ...

Well, I saw Dieter the other day ....

Actually, I decided a month ago, but I didn’t think anybody knew about it yet.

The whole department was talking about it when I came in ...

They were still talking about it when I left.

Past Perfect


a everyone else’s departure

b forgetting your passport, getting halfway to the airport, realising your mistake


a had been b decided c was just clearing d suddenly remembered e had happened f was g had come h came up i did j set k was l got back m was leaving n thought o had gone p had set up q proceeded r were enjoying s heard t had finally built u crashed

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