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Lesson 04 - Legal Professions

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keep away from I A O D V

exclude T E I L E I M A N

make certain that (something) will occur N E S E U R

make something known to others V A E L E R

provide a substitute for P L R E A E C

b) Complete the sentences with suitable verbs from part a):

James didn’t want to go to court, so the solicitor advised him what to do to ___________________ the trial.

The court ruled in favor of the claimants; they were ___________________ to a remedy.

The prosecutor was successful in proving the guilt; his evidence ___________________ that the defendant had been involved in the robbery.

Sarah is looking for a lawyer; her defense counsel needs to be ___________________ because of his illness.

The texts below show "before" and "after" versions (‘legalese’ versus ‘plain English’) of a piece of legislation: Registration of Clubs (Ireland) Act, 1904. Find examples of legalese in the text “before”.


If any excisable liquor is sold or supplied in a registered club for consumption outside the premises of the club, except as provided in section four, paragraph (h), every person supplying or selling such liquor, every person who shall pay for such liquor and every person authorising the sale or supply of such liquor shall be liable severally, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding for a first offence seven pounds, for a second offence fifteen pounds and for a third or subsequent offence thirty pounds, unless he proves to the satisfaction of the court that such liquor was so sold or supplied without his knowledge or against his consent, and, where it is proved that such liquor has been received, delivered or distributed within the premises of the club and taken outside the premises, it shall, failing proof to the contrary, be deemed to have been so taken for consumption outside the premises.


It is unlawful to sell or buy excisable liquor for consumption outside a club and is punishable by fine to a maximum of thirty pounds.

Tricky words from this lesson:

counsel X council - the same pronunciation, counsel (uncountable)= a lawyer, council = an official (e.g. administrative or advisory) body of people

executor - can cause misunderstanding:

an “executor” in English = a person who carries out a particular act, or a person who deals with someone’s last will,

an “executor” in the Czech Republic has a specific meaning, he/she is a person entrusted with the enforcement of civil and commercial judicial decisions.

degree X title: degree = completed university/college education (e.g. a Master’s degree), title = position (e.g. a barrister)

experience: two meanings, 1) uncountable = “zkušenost”, 2) countable = “zážitek”


I. Legal Professions:

Exercise 3: information from:





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