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Seminární práce Zdeněk Novák - Public order - anglická verze-upravená

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Fakulta bezpečnostně právní


Seminární práce




Ensuring security and protecting public order

Zdeněk Novák Mgr. Tomáš Římský

Student Lector


Synopsis 3

Key words 3

Introduction 4

Characteristics the police of the Czech Republic 5

Legislation of the security forces 5

Police ot the Czech Republic 5

Municipal police 7

The Prisons Service and Judicial Guard of the Czech Republic 7

Customs administration of the Czech Rupublic 7

Inspection Authority 7

General Inspectorate of Security Corps 7

Internal Control Department of the Police President of the Czech Republic 7

Responsibility for internal activities 7

Control Department 8

Cooperation at the level of the European Union 8

Conclusion 8

Bibliography 9

Foreign sources and events 9


The main aim of this work is to highlight the importance of ensuring a high level of safety and public order. Everyone wants to feel safe. We want to live and work freely. The feeling of safety is one of our most important needs. We take it for granted that someone will take care of our safety. The existence of the police and other components of the state security system is indispensable for our society.

This work aims to familiarize readers with the problems and possibilities of the police and other security services, mainly to ensure the internal security of the state and citizens. It describes the possibilities for intervention and coercive means by which the police can achieve their goals. When using the legal means that the police have, there are also obligations that the police have clearly defined after using these means. In the event of non-observance of lawful procedures in the police, the police have special departments to clarify police officers' misconduct. It also describes the various departments of internal police control with an outline of their functions and powers.

Outside the police, there are other components that ensure law enforcement and security. The Czech Republic, as a member of the European Union, is an obvious part of the EU security forces. Finally, it contains a reflection on the conditions and situations in which security forces work. These sources provide some examples of real-world security actions against terrorist cells in Europe.

Key words

Public order, Security, Coercive resources and weaponry, Police of the Czech Republic, Cooperation,


Each of us wishes to live in a state in which he or she is safe. Every citizen wants to feel safe when he goes out onto the street. People want to be sure that those who break the law will be caught and punished. And it is the police who are here to ensure all these needs.

Every day we are informed about events in the world. We are aware of the illegal behaviour of citizens where there is a need for a police force that ensures public order and that is able to cooperate effectively at a local, national and international level, because the modern world and society are more interconnected than in the past. Organized crime does not respect national boundaries, and modern technology makes it increasingly difficult for offenders to commit criminal or even terrorist acts. The Czech police are involved in the investigation of these serious crimes and cooperate internationally to fight these perpetrators.

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