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02 communication

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1) Definition of communication1

The process of exchanging information2, usually via a common protocol 3.

This process pressumes the listener’s will to hark which means trying to understand.

Communication allows humans to express the shared set of physical, emotional and psychological needs that are alive inside us at any given moment.

Communication was described as a five-step process (Shannon-Weaver model):

1) creating or encoding the message

2) the message’s transmission through a communication channel to recipient

3) the message is received

4) the message is interpreted

5) the message is responded to

The word of communication comes from Latin root ‘communicare’. Ancient Romans also invented a postal system to gather a huge amount of information from provinces.

2) Levels and means of communication


  • One-way communication (mass communication): TV, newspapers, letters, e-mails

We cannot react on a message at the same time.

  • Two-way communication: dialogue, talk on the cell/phone, video conference

We can react on the message instantly.


  • Sign language (sign language itself, jungle drums, smoke signals, signals of light)

  • Speaking (especially tone emphasis – intonation)

  • Writing (letters)

  • Gestures (body language – movements, posture, facemimic, eye contact)

  • Broadcasting (telecommunications4, computer-mediated communication5)

3) Other types of communication

a) Intrapersonal – internal communication within oneself

Interpersonal – between two or more individuals

b) Mass communication – communication to huge numbers of individuals through mass media

Verbal communication – communication by speech

Disadvantages: the situation elements such as noise, defect of speech, other people

Advantages: the possibility of instant reaction at the same time

Nonverbal communication: naturally accompanying the verbal one (e.g. mimic)

4) The goals of communication:

  • What we are saying should correspond with the way we are saying it.

The tone emphasis and body language should accompany the information and not lead to the misinterpretation.

  • Prefer the consensual6 language to subjective or the inadequate expert7 one

  • Try to understand

  • Finish before the listeners get bored

  • Avoid the conflict

5) Problems of communication (communication barriers):

  • The lack of information

  • The surplus of information

  • Language barrier

  • Emotional (depends on the mood)

  • Politics

  • Culture misunderstanding

  • Bypassing

  • Indiscrimination

  • Polarisation

  • Time lag

  • Physical (such as background noise)

  • Communication apprehension (anxiety influenced by one’s self-concept)

6) Being good at communication – right or wrong?

Being good at communication means to be emphatic, assertive and tolerant.

If you are good at it, people will appreciate it. With good communication skills you should get further.

7) Can we learn it? How and why?

Communication seems to be the most important thing in our society not only for our personal life but also for our working process. Unfortunately, the communication apprehension is still a problem for many people.

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