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02 communication

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To learn how to communicate is quite difficult. The goal is to keep on trying till you get to the right point: the message is responded to.

There is a lot of books specialised in communication strategies but the self-training is the most important. Also watching how the others do communicate may be a lesson how to succeed.

For people who are not much self-confident there are also dramatic lessons which may help them with some problems.

8) Customer care in museums, professional communication with customers

Customer care in museums in general consists of giving basic information about the works or exhibits and about the museum itself.

What contributes to it: the eye contact, being pleasant and having good language skills.

Professional communication with customers: by a customer’s type of temper:

Sanguinic: makes fast decisions, so that the expert help and fast work are expected

Choleric: promptness and pleasant behaviour are necessary

Pflegmatic: makes slow decisions, passive customer, patience and businesslike arguments are needed

Melancholic: needs to contribute by his/her self-confidence

friendly behaviour and time to make decision are important.

The employee should represent the institution (also country if visitor is a foreigner) and try to answer customer’s questions.

via – skrze, přes

transmission - přenos

recipient - příjemce

root – kořen, základ (slova)

to gather – shromažďovat, sbírat (informace)

instantly - okamžitě

levels and means – úrovně a způsoby

tone emphasis – zdůraznění

accompany – doprovázet

misinterpretation – špatný výklad

consensual – obvyklý

encryption - zakódování

cell phone - mobil

the lack / surplus of information – nedostatek / nadbytek

mood - nálada

communication apprehension – strach z komunikace

anxiety – strach, obava

concept – psychický stav

bypassing – obcházení problému

indiscrimination – nekritičnost

polarisation – vyhrocení názorů

time lag - nuda

politics - názory

further – přen.dál

self-confident - sebevědomý

exhibits - exponáty

promptness – rychlost, hbitost

businesslike - věcný

  1. There is a human, animal and human/animal communication. We will talk just about the first one.↩

  2. Information: voice (phone), video (TV), data (internet)↩

  3. Protocol: the set of rules in the information exchange↩

  4. a) Analog telecommunications: phone, radio, TV, photography, art (Theatre Arts, pictures...)

    b) Digital telecommunications: encryption (to specify communication), digital transmission media (telegraphy); computer network: e-mails; cell phone: text messages; digital camera...↩

  5. Network-based visual communication e.g. web cam chat↩

  6. Consensual language – the meaning of the words is understandable in the whole society↩

  7. Subjective or the inadequate expert language – to give the words the extra meanings understandable just to a close group of people↩

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