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my dream house

Despite the fact I have family in the Czech Republic. I would like to have a bungalow in the tropical belt, near the sea or ocean. So I can spend all my free time with my friends, family or alone on the beach and admire wonders of a sunset. On the other hand I also love hustle and bustle of the city, shopping and the social events, so I think, I will be spent some time in the city, for example one weekend.


household equipment

- Vocabulary

unusual houses

- the bubble house - is futuristic yet organic, with lots of built-in furniture and oval, convex windows

- The Upside Down House


-do the clearing, dust the furniture, water the plants, hover the carpet, do washing and mop the floor, do the stairs, do the ironing, make the bed, clean the Windows, wash the curtains, wash up and dry dishes, hang the clothes out to dry, tidy up my stuff, walk my dog

how do young couples solve their housing problems?

I not sure about it but I think when young couple want to live in their own, their probably pay rent for their flat and they save money to buy their dream house later. Nowadays it is very popular take out a mortgage on a house.

problems of a two generation flat (house)

- you have less privacy

- it takes a time to tidy all rooms

- there is much more housework to do

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