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- advantage:

- people are friendly and close to nature

- gentle pace of living

- there are no factories, it is quiet and the air is fresh (away from industrial districts)

- you can do sports, grow flowers (grow fruits and vegetables) or keep the domestic animals

- you have more privacy and relaxation

- the family is closed = it means the family live the next door

- it is a quite area – no noisy events

- strong community spirit

- disadvantage:

- commuting to work and school - sometimes buses operate only twice or three times a day

- there are very a few jobs available

- pupils and students have to commute to school every day

- in the villages everyone knows everyone

- there are also a few possibilities to fully participate in cultural live

- there is less efficient service – one doctor or no doctor at all, muddy streets, few shops

- health care – it means GP, hospitals, pharmacies


- advantage:

- there are a lot of schools and shopping facilities

- more jobs available, better housing

- cultural and sporting facilities and hospitals

- people often work close to the place where they live and not to have to commute

- rich social life

- live is never dull (exhibitions, films, plays, friends,...)

- excellent public transport

- disadvantage:

- people have less time, often living busy and stressful life

- there are a lot of pollution, noise, busy traffic =>community difficulties such as traffic jam, polluted air _and water, or even smog hanging above a city

- there are areas with lack of green spaces, parks,...

- little living space, but higher cost of living

- street crime


a) house - advantage: you have more privacy and space, situated in the village – cleaner, relaxation, ...

- disadvantage: more housework, you should keep you garden healthy – it is very demanding work

it is more expensive

b) flat - advantage: it is cheaper, close to your work, school,...

- disadvantage: you have less privacy and space, disturbing neighbours, situated in the city - hustle

and bustle, smog


US homes

- an apartment – is a home in a large building with many others homes

- it the USA, apartment are always rented, you don’t own them like you can own a house

- a town house – is a string of houses attached together, but with individual entrances to each house

- a duplex – is just two homes side-by-side

- a garden – is place to grow plants and vegetables

- an yard – is the grassy area around a house

-> front yard – is an area before a house

-> back yard – is area behind a house

- a two-storey house – if house has two floors

- a cottages -> cabin – a really nice cottage

-> shack – a really run-down cottage

- a bungalow – a single floor family house

- a ranch house – a single floor family house with a low roof and attached garages

- a trailer (or mobile homes) – are factory-made homes which are transported to the buyer’s site

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