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11. English and English speaking countries - P

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1) Ireland (called as Emerald isle)

Is an island situated in the Atlantic Ocean , separated from Great Britain by the Irish sea. It is divided into two major parts: Northern Ireland, which is a part of the United Kingdom and The Republic of Ireland. The capital is Dublin. The Republic of Ireland is an independent country with its political system on democratic principle (similar to the system in The United States of America). The head of the country is president. The official languages are Irish and English (signs and names,titles are in Irish and English language). The currency is Euro.

It is a beautiful land of mountains, rivers, lakes, green fields, lowlands and many pastures for sheep. The longest river with many important lakes is the Shannon river. On this river are located many hydroelectric power stations. Ireland has a mild climate with frequent rains which are responsible for the green grass.

2) Australia

Australia is the smallest continent in the world. It is the only country that occupies the whole continent. It is situated between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans. Its official name is the Commonwealth of Australia and its capital is Canberra (it means a “meeting place”). It was inspired by Washinton D.C. and we can find there an artificial lake. Another big cities are Sydney (it is also the oldest, its typical sites are the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House, its shape stands for sailing boats), Perth or Melbourne. Australia is a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations. It is a federal state with the Queen as the head of the state.

3) Canada

the name came from Indian Canata which means village or community. It is the second largest country in the world. Despite its big size, Canada has around 30 million inhabitants. The capital is Ottawa. The biggest city is Toronto. The country is divided into 10 provinces and 3 territories. The biggest province is Quebec. It is an independent federal parliamentary system with the Queen Elizabeth II. as the head os the state. It is a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations. The official languages are English and French.

4) New Zealand

It consists of two large islands- the North Island and the South Island. The capital is Wellington in the North Island and another major city is Auckland. New Zealand is a modern country with a well-developed economy. The government structure is based on the British parliamentary system.

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