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11. Music and youth culture

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  • Postmodernism

    • history stopped with the end of communism

    • Postmodernism in culture – intertextuality (one cultural product references to genre or another book/film/song) – Pulp Fiction (ridiculous, it’s about popular films and genre, pulp fiction – bad popular American culture, every character is caricature, the lines are meaningless but sound cool, some parts are just parts of another movies – case, boxer), it’s a homage

      • Hip hop is all about intertextuality – it just takes pieces of other songs

    • Metatextuality – piece of art or film is set in another piece of art of film - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead (from hamlet – you need to know as a watcher who they are)

      • Hip hop becomes its own caricature

    • Nonlinear narrative – Pulp fiction – it shows it’s not real, the structure of the story is mixed up, hyper real = so real it’s not real

    • Unrelatable narrative - well the narrator may be mad, Lolita ­– postmodern novel, the narrative is really unrelatable, we don’t know what the reality is, it’s strictly from his point of view

    • a lot of pop culture depends on your knowledge of culture

    • From the Mid 1990s onwards we can see a post modern recycling of older looks and ideas. It is debatable whether we shall see another self-created, original and authentic youth subculture

  • Folk Devils and Moral Panics: Media Amplification of Deviance

    • with many youth subcultures, particularly the Hippies, Mods, Rockers and Teddy Boys there is a history of violence between the youth group and the state and moral outrage among the generally public

    • the Media certainly had a role to play in how this history developed

    • the British Sociologist Stan Cohen wrote extensively on this subject

    “According to Cohen, certain groups periodically become the focus of moral panics. They are labelled as being outside the central core values of our consensual society and as posing a particular threat to them. The groups investigated by Cohen were the Mods and Rockers - today, New Age Travellers or those who attend raves could be seen as their modern equivalent. The 'central core values' which such groups transgress against are argued to be the norms and values which primarily serve the interests of the dominant classes. The media, in particular the press, whip up a moral panic which is coupled with calls for strengthening the forces of law and order. According to this view the Criminal Justice Act 1994, with its legislation specifically targeting travellers and raves, is the response to the moral panic in the media.

    Deviance amplification is a process whereby activity labelled as deviant is 'amplified' by a broad reaction in society which is co-ordinated mainly by the mass media. The development is seen more or less as a spiral: the initial behaviour is labelled 'deviant'; information is relayed from primary definers to the media and thence to the wider society; there is a negative social reaction; consequently, the deviant groups become isolated and react by resisting the consensus view and possibly becoming more actively deviant; the increased 'deviance' leads to increased social control and at this point the whole spiral starts all over again.”

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