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13. Prague

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The Cathedral of St. Vitus is the biggest church in Prague and holds the treasury of the Czech coronation jewels.

The Lesser Quarter

The Church of St. Nicholas, at the center of the Lesser Quarter, is one of the most outstanding examples of Czech Baroque architecture. Another important part of the Lesser Quarter is Nerudova Street with its characteristic house-signs. The three fiddles sign has been preserved on one of the houses, signifying the three generations of violin makers who used to live and work there. The most important house is known as At The Two Suns. This is where the well-known Czech writer Jan Neruda used to live. Today the building is a famous pub.

Cultural life

The National Gallery houses - a collection of modern art

In the National Theatre can be seen various dance performances

At the Rudolfinum and the Municipal House can be heard classical concerts by Mozart, Dvořák, Smetana and other famous composers.

headquarters – sídlo

residents – obyvatelé

emperor – císař

uprising – povstání

with the uprising of the Czech Estates - povstáním českých stavů

National Revival - národní obrození

lesser – menší

ranks among - patří mezi

mortar – malta

The Estates Theatre – Stavovské divadlo

Lesser Quarter – Malá strana

house-signs – domovní znamení


Prague has one of the best public transportation systems in Europe. The metro, trams and buses are used by two-thirds of Prague's population and cover the majority of the city.

The Prague metro carries around 600 million passengers a year. Its three lines (A,B,C) consist of about 62 km of tracks running mostly underground, and 61 stations. New stations continue to be added.

The Prague metro is only about 40 years old and is mostly Russian-built.

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