13. Prague
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13) Prague
Prague is the capital and the largest city of the Czech Republic, is located along the Vltava River in the central part of the Czech Republic. Prague is the headquarters of the President of the Republic, the Government and the majority of State institutions. It is not only the governmental heart of the country, but it’s also a city full of cultural events, architecture and history.
Today, approximately 1.3 million residents live in Prague’s area of 496 km². Including its suburbs, Prague has about 2 million residents.
The city, established in the 9th century, was the seat of Czech princes and later kings of Bohemia and became the political heart of the Czech State. Charles IV, Bohemian King and Holy Roman Emperor, chose the city as the capital of his whole Empire. He founded Charles University, St. Vitus Cathedral, Charles Bridge and the New Town. Many of the most beautiful things we associate with Prague can be traced back to Charles IV.
Prague is connected with the Czech religious reformer Jan Hus and the Hussite movement. Prague was also where the Thirty Year’s War began with the uprising of the Czech Estates in the early 17th century. The Czech National Revival in the 19th century restored once again Prague’s prominence and the National Theatre was built to express this feeling of national pride for Czechs. The building itself was financed from money collected by the Czech people. In 1918, the city became the capital of the independent Czechoslovakia and after the peaceful division of Czechoslovakia in 1993, it became the capital of the Czech Republic.
The old Centre of Prague consists of five historical districts. Old Town, New Town and Josefov (the former Jewish Town) are situated on the right bank of the Vltava. The Lesser Quarter and Hradčany (the Castle District) are on the left bank.
The Old Town
Charles Bridge ranks among the greatest monuments in Prague. It is 516 meters long and 10 meters wide. It is an open-air gallery of unique Baroque statues. In about the middle of the bridge stands the statue of St. John of Nepomuk. He lived in the 14th century and held the position of General Vicar.
According to legend, its construction began on 9th July 1357 at 5.31 a.m. Astrologists at the time believed, it was the best date and time for laying the foundation stone. While the bridge was being built, the builders added eggs to the mortar to make a strong substance to hold the bridge together.
The Old Town Square is another significant historical spot. It used to be the most important market place in Prague and the scene of many historical events. Its main monument is the Old Town Hall with its world‑famous astronomical clock. There are also two famous churches on the Old Town Square: the Gothic Týn Church and the Baroque St. Nicholas Church. The Estates Theatre is near the Old Town Square.