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13. Victorian literature, Shelley, Wilde

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The Monster: innocent, lost in the darkness of nature (nature – motif), ignorance = not knowing things, darkness = opposite of knowledge and thinking, he is freezing cold/hungry/thirsty – cries to himself, feeling that he is abandoned – we feel sorry for him, next the moon rises – light gives him intelligence – shows him where to go to drink

Light – motif, represents intelligence, enlighten – thinking to take away pain

- he starts to appreciate beautiful of nature – M Shelly wants us to give outside perspective, Mon criticises society, he listens birds – songs -wants to imitate it – world is beautiful, but he doesn’t belongs in it – we feel sorry for him, he is lost

Cam fire – he never experienced heat before – put hands into cam fire – burns himself – fire – lifegiving but also life taking (like technology – global warming – industrialization, atomic energy – good but also catastrophes), why does want to burn himself? Because no one will never find the body – I will not leave anything behind me – n one will be inspired to do sm similar like him – creation, fire = representing technology

Monster amazed by beauty of order in village – trying to find company – people scream, fainting, attack him – ordinary person would be beaten to death but monster is super strong – survive – but gaining the fear of humanity

PROCES – M being innocent – to experience things/knowledge, house in the middle of the forest – doesn’t know how to approach people – makes himself a home, spying on the family – represents the good about humanity, he does not understand the language

- he thinks the name of the man Father, girl – sister etc

- they are close to starvation, only milk from sick cow, growing vegetables in the garden, M first stealing the food – learns he is causing them harm – learns empathy, kindness, compassion, self-sacrifice – value of self-sacrifice (children give blind father

- spying on the family, stole book – Paradise lost – John Millton – Adam and Eve getting kicked out of garden – apple from the tree of knowledge – curiosity – punishing them (Prometheus)

- when he meets FR – believe me FR I was once good – he helps family to survive, start to be called family to his protectors

- water – sees his reflection for the first time – he is hideous – acceptance only when he learns to speak - M comes to self-knowledge now

- De lacy family, property confiscated because they helped sb In Paris

- monster is spying on the lessons (w some Arabic girl idk) – he thinks he learned enough language – one day the man is left alone (blind) goes there pretends to be traveller – the rest comes back – Felix starts beating him, spends the night crying for grief, morning – maybe I can explain myself – family left, only Felix is there – sm is trying to kill my father and sister – this is his last chance to be part of society

- he burns down the cottage – walls from Germany to Switzerland, saves girl from drowning in the river – bf of the girl shoots him – bur survives – giving up on people – maybe I can find young child – didn’t learn prejudice

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