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13. Victorian literature, Shelley, Wilde

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  • Why did he create the monster? Frankenstein believes that by creating it, he can discover the secrets of “life and death,” create a “new species,” and learn how to “renew life.” He wants to achieve something great, even if it comes at great cost… Sometimes he sees it as a character flaw, comparing his ambition to Satan’s, “the archangel who aspired to omnipotence.” Often, however, he suggests that he had a moral duty to follow his ambition: “I deemed it criminal to throw away in useless grief those talents that might be useful to my fellow-creatures.” Some readers have suggested that Frankenstein is desperate to “renew life” because he is still grieving for his mother.

  • Why does the Monster want revenge? The Monster hates Frankenstein for abandoning him after his creation: “He had abandoned me: and, in the bitterness of my heart, I cursed him.” The Monster is also angry with Frankenstein for making the Monster the only one of his kind: “I was dependent on none and related to none.” The Monster also feels hatred and envy for the whole human race. He feels humans have treated him unfairly because of his appearance. He is especially hurt by the horrified reaction of the DeLacey family, his “protectors,” when he reveals himself to M. DeLacey.

  • How does the Monster learn to speak and read? The Monster learns to speak by spying on the DeLacey family and learns to read when he finds three books on the ground (one of them tells a Biblical story)

  • Why does Victor destroy the female companion of the monster? Frankenstein decides that he has a moral duty to destroy the female companion he is making for the Monster. He realizes that even if the Monster is not innately evil, he can’t be sure the female companion won’t turn out to be evil. Frankenstein is also concerned that the female companion might reject the Monster, making the Monster even more miserable and angry. Finally, Frankenstein worries that the Monster and his female companion might have children, and eventually give rise to a new species which might destroy mankind. He concludes that it would be selfish for him to create a companion for the Monster in order to save his own life. This decision shows that Frankenstein is motivated by the desire to do the right thing, but it also shows that he is still driven and ambitious. He is determined to choose the more difficult path, even if that path costs him his life.

  • Questions:com

    Narrative structure

    How monster is Perceive

    Aftermath of creation of the monster

    How Mary Shelly creates sympathy with the monster – confused, doesn’t know anything, reader sympathize because monster is self-conscious, it is not just the monster, but people act like monsters – judge him only because of this appearance - hypocrisy

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