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15. Technology, science and us - P

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Problems with keeping up to date with the changes

I think that people try to keep up with the changes, because everybody has mobile, computer, TV, and so on. Epecially for teenagers and young people it´s common to compare their gadgets with friends´ones and sometimes it can cause with ridicule or criticism. Sometimes children can be bullying by their friends because of bad mobile brand or bad clothes. But I think that after some years the problems will move back because the technology is moving on and people won´t mind what is the best mobile brand.

Robots and AI – hopes and fears

The advantages of robots: high quality, high production, safety, savings of time. The disadvantages of robots: high investment, training programs for employees, the robots don´t guarantee results. The advantages of artificial intelligence: doing tasks without getting tired, doing similar jobs in a huge amount. The disadvantages of AI: breakdown and malfunction, loss of essential information. The biggest fear of robots and AI is that they will occupy our planet and there will be only robots and because they don´t have any emotions, the world will be robotic, without emotions and also without smile and happiness. It is true, that they can do lots of works without being tired, but on the other hand, their feelings aren´t similar to ours and living with them would be very difficult.

Science and technology in the future

Because of developing science and technology, the future will be more modern than these days. Maybe

someday we will travel only by the fastest vehicles (airplanes or space rocket), we will have lots of gadgets, etc. I am not sure, how will the world look like, but I think that everything will be very fast and modern. Maybe our planet will be scattered with robots and AI.

Space – the next frontier?

I am not sure about what the space looks like, if there is another life or another inhabitants. I must admit, that I am quite sceptical about aliens. I believe that there can be another life, maybe some extraordinary animals or plants. But when I hear about UFO, I don´t believe that there are aliens which want to „steal“ our planet. But nobody knows, what is in the space, maybe the astronauts, which landed on the Moon, have some experiences (if they really were there…)

The impact of digitalization, digital technologies

These days lots of gadgets are digitalized. It means that for example books are becoming electronic – they can be downloaded into our phones or other gadgets. Personally, I don´t like reading books in electonic form. I like going to library and borrow book or going to shop and buy book. I think that electronic form of book losts its magic and I like holding an original book with its covering. But on the other hand I am really glad that I can write lots of texts and projects on PC, because it is faster than writing by hand.

The past, the present and the future – changes in llifestyle

From the beginning of their existence people have used tools, various types of energy and materials to get food and shelter. In early human history the only power available was muscle power. The earliest materials used by humans were wood, bone, shell and stone. The steam engine and other technical advances changed traditional agrarian economy to manufactures. In the Industrial Revolution new materials were introduced, such as rubber, glass, leather, paper, bricks and porcelain. Electricity is the most useful form of energy, easily convertible into heat and light. The invention of combustion engine made transport faster and more comfortable. In 1945 people saw the explosion of the first atomic bomb and the nuclear energy started to be used. Today it is one of the current sources of energy, as well as natural gas, water power, oil and coal energy. Plenty of inventions and discoveries have influenced and changed human life, such as aircraft, radio, TV, telephone, X-ray, radar, photographs, penicillin, laser, genetic engineering, and so on.

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