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pros/cons of being employed

l like: being on my own, organizing my own work, meeting a lot of different people, being able to travel on

business, having my own office, working in a small staff,...

l dislike: taking risk in my work, taking responsibility, long working hours, getting up early, the routine of the job,

bossy chef, commuting

own business

Some people like being on their own and running their own business. They may sleep till late in the morning, they may take a holiday whatever they want and they are not harassed by a boss. But at the same time, they have to be very responsible and organised, they must solve problems when they come, pick up the telephones and start work whenever it is necessary. So often they work much longer and they have no time to take holidays.

trying various jobs

In my opinion it is always better to try different jobs before you decide definitely on what you would like to do for the rest of your life. Some variety of different jobs and positions will bring you a lot of experience. We are probably different from the Japanese who usually spend their entire life with one company.

problems in work

1. downsizing

- when the company has problems, they usually decide to downsize its number of employees

2. sexual harassment

- it is bullying of a sexual nature, promising rewards in exchange for sexual favours, 80% of victims are women,

50% are harassed by a supervisor

- it occurs mainly in business, trade, banking and finance.

- harassment can be oral or physical, Examples of sexual harassment : verbal (sexual “dirty” jokes, comments on

physical appearance, talking about sexual activity, letters, phone calls, paying compliments,...) or physical

(touching, hugging, kissing, flirting, sexual assault, intercourse or other sexual activity).

- people can sue but judges often declare that women get dressed seductively (vyzývavě) with low-cut blouses.

3. mobbing

- bullying at work, can be described as being ,,ganged up on”

- it is an attempt to force a person out of their workplace by humiliation, emotional abuse, terro,...

- victims suffer from stress, health disorders and depression



types of job

People can work for companies in the private sector, or for the state in the public sector. Some specific fields are marketing / finance / education / IT / manufacturing / medicine.

importance of education

When studying it is important to have good results so that you can mention them in your CV. When finished with your studies, you should keep yourself up-to-date in your specialization by attending courses, studying books, etc. It is always useful to be able to offer many skills like driving licence, PC skills or languages. A successful person should dress well, and behave and speak well to.

income: money that is earned from doing work or received from investments

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