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labour market

- most employees are either considered blue or white collar workers:

-> blue collar workers: they typically have manual labour for an hourly wage (plumber, miner, farmer, electrician,

gardener, chimney sweeper, dustman,...)

*the term blue collar was first used in 1924 in the US, it comes from the image of manual

workers wearing blue denim shirts which help them to appear cleaner

-> white collar workers: they are paid a salary and they are college educated or highly skilled in their fields

they often wear shirts or suits and work at offices, schools in professional positions

(teachers, sales representatives, managers, doctors, lawyers, accountants, architects,...)

-> pink collars: they work in services: sales, entertainment, services,...

Every company has its own corporate identity: it is the way they present themselves to the public (such as customers and investors as well as employees), it includes title, logo, product design, advertising, slogan, buildings, uniforms, company colours. lt is a message given to consumers. (Coca Cola, Facebook, Apple,Nike, Microsoft, lkea, Google, Samsung, Mc Donald’s, lBM, Disney,...)


to find a job, to lose a job, to get a sack (dostat padáka), to be on the dole (být na podpoře), draw a pension, to earn just enough to live on, work part/fulltime, to apply for a job, a month’s notice (měsíční výpovědní lhůta), to choose a career, to take parents’ advice, to be employed, unemployed, to get unemployment benefits, to be on strike, job centre, to work on shifts/overtime, to give notice (dát výpověď), to be accepted (být přijat), to be refused (být odmítnout)

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