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Stáhnout kompletní materiál zdarma (28.06 kB)

Níže je uveden pouze náhled materiálu. Kliknutím na tlačítko 'Stáhnout soubor' stáhnete kompletní formátovaný materiál ve formátu DOCX.

phrases for the advertisement:

1) who

2) looking for: candidate should have..., to succeed, you will...., candidates should meet following requirements..., the ideal candidate will satisfy the following criteria...., we want/accept...

3) requirements/qualifications: strong, creative personality leadership skills, readiness to work in a young, dynamic team, good communication skills, driver’s licence required, must be hard working, excellent organization skills, must be English speaking, must be fluent in English, written English desirable, must be willing to travel, good working knowledge of pc, to have 5 years experience in

4) offers: challenging job, excellent career opportunities, excellent working conditions' a good salary

5) closing formula: please, reply in writing... please, send your CV with application... applicants should write to...

job interview

1. before the interview DO:

- find out as much as you can about the job beforehand

- note down your qualification and experience and think how they relate to the job

- choose your interview clothing carefully - be on time


- walk into the interview chewing gum, sucking on a sweet or smoking

- don't forget to bring references, certificates, recommendation...

- don't drink alcohol before you are interviewed

2. During the interview DO:

- try to answer every question the interviewer asks. Never answer only yes or no or shrug!

- show some enthusiasm

- have at least one question ready to show that you're interested

- sell yourself

- ask questions at the end of the interview about the pay, hours, holidays....


- forget to shake hands with the interviewer

- smoke

- yawn


First of all, you have to write good curriculum vitae (CV). lt should be written on good quality paper. It should be simple, factual and neat. ln CV a person gives personal details, contact details, education and qualifications, employment history, experience, skills (PC, driving licence, participation in competitions if relevant, references). The CV should be structured and well arranged and signed at the end. lt should be sent with a cover letter with more information. The person should lay out his/her CV chronologically. Most employers prefer reverse chronology.

cover letter

you also have to write a cover letter. lt is a letter of application. lt introduces you, explains your purpose for writing, highlights a few of your experiences or skills, and requests and opportunity to meet personally with the potential employer. lt should be formal with conventional opening and closing phrases. lt should include an applicant's contact.


qualities of a good boss

has sense of humour, team leader skills, rewards good performance, makes work fun, is fai1 inspiring, helpful, positive, fights for his/her employees

qualities of a good employee

confident, humble, reliable, driven or self motivated (working effectively with little direction), enthusiastic, hard working, team spirit, culturally fit, honest, creative, communicator, has leadership qualities

Témata, do kterých materiál patří