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After the interval the curtain goes up and performance continues. When the performance or opera is over, the audience bursts into applause. The actors are called out and sometimes there are many curtains calls.

Musicians at concerts often have to give encores.

- vocabulary:

premiéra – first run

propuknout v aplaus- burst into applause

první balkon – dress circle

předehra - overture

ulička mezi sedadly - gangway

být dlouho na programu – have a long run

oceňované filmy – regarded films

půjčit si kukátko – hire opera glasses

šatnářka – cloakroom attendant

hlediště v přízemí - pit

obsazení ve hře/filmu - casts

ladit hudební nástroje – turn instruments

dát přídavek – give encores

vyvolání herce před oponu – curtain calls

přestávka v divadle - interval

lóže v divadle - boxes

náročný návštěvník kina- demanding cinemagoers

vysoké vstupné – high admission

návštěvnost poklesla – attendance declined

němé filmy – silent films

film s titulky – films provided only with subtitles

nenechat si ujít příležitost – slip the opportunity

vedlejší role – supporting role


- I have to admit I don’t like going to the theatre. I go there only twice a year because it is a part of education in our school but it is usually boring for me. In Třinec we have only one theatre – Trisia.


- The number of people going to the cinema has fallen down because the people wanted to save money so they usually download it illegally from the Internet and they are also lazy.

- more reasons:

- tickets to the cinema are more expensive

- people don’t have enough free time

- they are lazy to go to the cinema

- to many distractions (like ringing phones or person next to you who is still talking)

- it's embarrassing when you go to the cinema alone. Therefore I watch a movie on my notebook.

- I’m a regular cinema-goer, I have a routine with my friends. We go to the cinema and then go to the restaurant and have a discussion, I love it and enjoy every moment. I don't have any sort of films which I love, I usually choose the films, which has a good review or they are base on a book. On the other hands, I don’t like horror film.

This year I prefer to watch foreign films with subtitled, but the previous years I preferred to watch on dubbed films because it was more comfortable.

My favourite actress is Kate Winslet and my favourite actor is Johnny Depp. I have chosen them because they have something like a sparkle inside and all film, in which they play, are stunning and incredible.

Music festivals

Coachella, California

- Coachella is held in the California desert at the Empire Polo Club

- over two days Coachella showcases not only popular and established rock and indie acts, but also hip-hop - notable past appearances include AC/DC, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Madonna and Jay-Z

Reading and Leeds Festivals, United Kingdom

- this festival is actually two festivals held simultaneously in Reading and Leeds, England

Témata, do kterých materiál patří