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- fine arts help us gain insight into the distant past, revealing the beauties of our word

- we can find it in museums, galleries, city parks and squares


- is a part of art which includes novels, short stories, biographies, drama and poetry

- writers have a gift to put their ideas on paper and brilliantly create a story

- when a book is well-written, it is a joy to read and hard to put down

- writers: W. Shakespeare, J. Austen, Ch. Dickens, J. K. Rowling


- music became the art because it provides people a satisfaction and an enjoyment

- nowadays music arts are known, wherein artist use more sounds than singing. It is called ‘techno’ and ‘house’

- we know rock, country, blues, folk, reggae and classical music

- names like Beethoven, Mozart or Bach sounds familiar to every European

- he most popular was the British quartet the Beatles. They produced many huge hits and their songs changed

the direction of music forever.

- there are many festivals, music awards or concerts, organized all, it is an opportunity for the fans of specific

music arts to meet. In my opinion, music art is an art consumed by the most people all over the world.
- singers: Adele, Paul Mc Courtney, O. Osborne , Ellie Goulding


Leonardo Da Vinci - is one of most famous painters in the world for his iconic Mona Lisa and Last Supper.

Vincent Van Gogh - Dutch post-impressionist painter. Famous paintings include; Sunflowers, The Starry night.

Rembrandt - Dutch Master, one of the greatest painters, admired for his vivid realism.

Michelangelo - renaissance sculptor, painter and architect.

Claude Monet - French impressionist painter. Famous paintings include Waterlilies, Women in Garden

Pablo Picasso - Spanish, modern ‘cubist’ painter. Famous works include Guernica and Bird of Peace.



When people go to the theatre they usually come dressed up, men should choose a well-fitting suit with a tie or bow tie women should choose mid-length skirt, pant suit or tasteful cocktail dress. Sometimes it is raining for that reason we dress up a coat which we take off in the cloakroom.

In the cloakroom we can also hire opera glasses from the cloakroom attendant. When we have no idea where our stalls, pits or boxes are then an attendant shows us to our seats. In the theatre there are stalls, pits, boxes, dress circle, upper circle or we can stand in the gods where it is the cheapest. Very popular it is in the middle of the fifth gangway where the best is the view on the stage.

When we sit down we usually read the programme to see the cast, that is who stars in the play or opera and who plays the supporting roles. The lights are switched off, the curtain goes up and the performance begins.

The spectators are expected not to take any mobile phones. After the first act, there is an interval. During the interval we can walk in the foyer, buy some refreshments and share opinions of the performance with your friends. Some people are enthusiastic or disappointing.

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