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On 4 July 1776, Thomas Jefferson and his friends wrote the Declaration of independence in Philadelphia. The British and Americans fought each other until 1781 in the American War of Independence.

In 1783, both sides agreed to the independence of America, and so the United States of America was born.

Now, every year many families have a barbecue and play games outside, in their gardens or in a park. In many towns, there are parades through the streets with loud music and bright colours. The red, white and blue American flag flies everywhere. Independence Day usually ends with lots of fireworks.


May 1 Workers day (Labor Day)

Worker’s Day or Labor Day commemorates the efforts of labor unions to improve working conditions for all people.

May 8 Liberation Day

Liberation Day celebrates the end of World War II on May 8, 1945. On this day, the Germans agreed to an unconditional surrender and the country was liberated from Nazi occupation. It’s a good time to remember the people who fought and died for our freedom.

July 5 St. Cyril & Methodius Day

On this day, we remember two priests who played an important role in our history. In 863, St. Cyril and St. Methodius brought Christianity to the Slavic people of central Europe. They also wrote down the standard Slavic language at the time, which was the forerunner of Czech, Slovak, Polish and Russian languages.

July 6 Jan Hus Day

Commemorates Jan Hus, a Catholic priest and the rector of Charles University. He was burned at rector of Charles University. He was burned at the stake as a heretic because of his efforts to stop corruption in the Catholic Church. Because of his beliefs, he became the conscience of the Czech people.

September 28 St. Wenceslas Day

This day is celebrated as Czech Statehood Day. It commemorates the anniversary of the death of Prince Wenceslas, son of Vratislav I, Duke of Bohemia. About 935 AD, the Prince was murdered by his brother. He soon became St. Wenceslas patron saint of the Czech Nation.

October 28th Czechoslovak Independence

In 1918, the independent Czechoslovak Republic was founded. After World War I, the Austro-Hungarian Empire disintegrated and Independent country was established. Tomáš Garrigue Masaryk became Czechoslovakia’s the first president.

November 17 Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day

The struggle for freedom and democracy is remembered each year on November 17. It honors the student demonstrations against the Nazis in 1939, as well as the protest against the Communists in 1989. In 1939, huge demonstration took place here against Nazi occupation. Medical student Jan Opletal, was shot and killed. On the day of his funeral, hundreds of people, mostly students, demonstrated again, and the Germans violently suppressed the protests. The tensions culminated on November 17 when the Gestapo and SS units attacked student hostels arresting more the 1200 students and taking them to concentration camps. Nine students were executed without trial and Adolf Hitler ordered the closing of colleges. Later, the day was proclaimed Student’s Day.

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