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Many people also eat hot cross buns (jidášky) at Easter. These are small loaves of bread, made with fruit and spices, and they have a cross on top and they are best hot. Some women and girls decorate hats, called Easter bonnets. They put lots of spring flowers on them, and wear them in Easter bonnet parades.

Many people go to church on Easter Day. There are lots of flowers in the churches and people sing special Easter songs. Easter Monday is a holiday for everyone, so a lot of people watch some sport, or go out for the day.

In the Czech Republic boys prepared plaited willow canes and on Easter Monday they go from house to house and whip girls using rattles as music. As a treat they get an egg, money, a drink or a ribbon. There are many variations of this tradition according to the region, especially in decorating eggs. In some parts there are straw ornaments stuck to the shell, in other ornaments are engraved into the coloured eggshell. Houses are decorated with catkins and young springs as s symbol of new life. People eat sponge cakes in the form of lamb.

Easter in the UK

- Easter is celebrated on the 1st Sunday after the 1st full moon in spring but actually it starts on Ash Wednesday 40 days before Easter when Christians start their Lent (půst).

- it is an ancient pagan celebration of spring and new life

- the Christians remember Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection

- Palm Sunday - one week before Easter, Christ arrived in Jerusalem

- Maundy Thursday - people remembered the Last Supper (Poslední večeře)

- Good Sunday - Christ was crucified on that day

- Easter Sunday - his resurrection

- Easter Monday and Good Friday are bank holidays

April 16, 17 Easter Sunday and Monday

Easter is a Christian holiday, celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus. The date is different every year, as it falls on the first Sunday after the spring full moon, so the first full moon after March 21. The symbols of Easter are much the same as the symbols for spring: lamb and eggs, representing new life.


- in our family we celebrated many holidays - Birthday, wedding, Name Day, christening and one of the sad events,

which nobody likes it - funeral

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