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2. Dialects of english

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Australian English

  • Australian English has vernecular and slang expressions which are quite distinct

  • Australian and New Zeland English are closely related to each other and share some similarities with the development of African English

  • The vocabularies of these dialects draw from both British English (in the main) and American English (especially for recent terminilogy)

  • there is some influence from Aboriginal languages in names of flora and fauna

  • Australian English is famous for its diminutives (kangaroo becomes roo, ambulance ambo, a can of beer tinnie and so on

  • there are several others varieties of English (Creole – mixing language in the new one, which is a mix of English and African languages, was used by slaves. Or Patois Jamaica)

The Caribbean

  • influenced of english based Creole

  • there is a great deal of variation in the way English is spoken with a “Standard English”

  • these dialects have roots in 17th century British and Irish english, African language and localised influences from other colonial languages including French, Spanish, Dutch

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