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- children enjoy their winter pleasers such as throwing snowballs, building snowmen, sledging and skating on lakes

- the temperature sometimes drops some 10 below zero

- the roads become icy and slippery and someone can skid easily, icicles hang from the roof

- it freezes, the whole landscape is covered with snow, there may even be snowdrifts

The weather in the Czech Republic
The Czech Republic has a moderate continental climate. A year is divided into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter. Each season lasts about three months and has its special magic.

The weather in the UK
- the weather in Britain is slightly milder than the weather in the Czech Republic -> his is partly because Britain

is surrounded by water

- in Britain they also have four distinct seasons

- in spring it rains a lot but there are also sunny days

- in summer the temperature can be over 30 degrees but that doesn't happen very often

- in autumn there is also quite a bit of rain and cool days

The weather in the USA

- the weather in the north often differs from that in the south

- the Death Valley in California is about the hottest place on earth in summer

- California, Arizona, New Mexico and Florida belong to the so-called Sun Belt States

- the Middle West winters are cold and long, summers are very hot and we can find deserts and semi-deserts here

- the Hawaiian Islands have got a very pleasant and warm climate


natural disasters

-> floods - floods are generally caused by long heavy rains or when a lot of snow melt in the spring and water run

down from mountains, this water flood towns, roads and their surroundings

- the floods damage houses, bridges, and roads and kill people and animals which don´t run away

-> fires - it´s caused by someone’s inattention or by dry, hot season

- wind helps to extend (expand) the fire, but fire brigade try to stop this catastrophe

-> hurricanes and tornadoes - they are caused by pressure changes in the atmosphere

- we can meet with these phenomena often in area of Caribbean sea

- it´s very strong wind destroying everything on the way

-> earthquakes and explosions of volcanoes - they are caused by the movement of the lithospheres boards

- buildings fall down and everybody is in danger

- earthquake under the ocean can cause a big tidal wave which floods the coast

- the volcanoes produce a lot of dust, smoke and lava which pours out

endangered species

- there are many animals threaded with extinction, e.g. mountain gorillas, whales, rhinos, elephants,...

human impact on our planet

- human impact on the environment includes changes in ecosystems, biodiversity, and natural resources, including global warming, environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, ecological crises, and ecological collapse



- poverty is a worldwide problem that produces many other problems (famine, crime,..)

- poor people don’t often have enough food, which leads to malnutrition and starvation

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