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natural things, e.g. plants and animals

- they are often referred to as greens, e.g. 'Greenpeace' and 'Friends of the Earth'.

sustainable development

- it is the development that meets the needs of the present

- sustainable development goals: no poverty, zero hunger, good health, quality education, gender equality,...

reducing, reusing, recycling

- someday perhaps most people will reduce their usage of disposable, one-time-use items and reduce the amount of solid waste people will reuse any materials they can and hopefully will recycle materials they can't use.


- industrial countries should control their level of pollution

- each motor should have catalyzator, people should recycle their wastes, agriculture shouldn’t use chemicals - governments in rainforest countries should work together, protect these areas and plant new forests


Spring begins on the 20th March

- nature begins awake from its long winter sleep and new life begins

- nights get shorter and days get longer, there is much sunshine and it becomes warmer and warmer

- the snow melts and rivers and streams swell and there may be floods in the regions through which the rivers pass

- the first flowers appear: white snowdrops and snowflakes, dandelions, blue forget-me-nots, coloured crocuses,

tulips and violets come into blossom

- birds such as swallows, starlings, and cuckoos come back from the south and we can hear their singing again

- the weather in nice, but especially in April is really unpredictable and changeable

Summer begins on the 21st June.

- school children love this season because they have two months holidays

- everybody set out on journeys and take holidays

- the temperature rises to 25°C or more and all people may many fine days in a row

- in the morning there is often dew, the sky is clear and bright, it is sunny and dead calm, no wind blows and

sometimes we suffer from a heat wave

- the weather is sultry, hot and dry -> people and nature long await rain

- in summer rain often comes in the form of storm (the sky sudden clouds over, a breeze changes into a strong wind)

Autumn comes on the 23rd September

- in autumn the sun sets earlier and rises later and days are shorter

- in the gardens it’s time of harvest, we pick apples, pears and plums and gather potatoes and sugar beet

- grass turns yellow and gets dry, the leaves of trees become tinted yellow, orange, brown and red

- birds flock together and set on the journey to the south

- in autumn the weather is unsettled, the sky is often cloudy, mornings are very foggy (it not clear up by day)

- the temperature drops, it becomes damp, chilly, wet and rainy and it may drizzle

According to calendar, winter comes on 21st December.

- the most important day in winter is Christmas

- typical winter weather brings snowfall, icy wind and hard frosts

- we can enjoy skiing and hills covered with a thick layer of fluffy snow and we admire the winter landscape

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