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15. The literature between the wars

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15. The Literature Between the Wars

profile: The lost generation (Fitzgerald’s Contemporaries)

state: F.S. Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby

The Lost Generation

  • only American writers

  • a generation of artists born at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries (generation between the wars)

  • after WWI, they were mentally (some also physically) devastated

  • war experience led to PTSD, drugs, alcoholism…

  • no one really understood them (they didn’t fit in society anymore)

  • some of them personally experienced horrors of war (they saw how people were killed)

  • after war, they lost belief in “modern” society (they lost all their ideals and dreams)

  • existentialism is philosophical movement (What’s purpose of life? Wants to find the way, wants to find that purpose of life)

  • on the other hand, nihilism is the belief that nothing in the world has a real existence (negative) rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that the life is meaningless

  • existentialism came from Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard

  • the name Lost Generation was first used by Gertrude Stein

  • the best known, writers are G. Stein, E. Hemingway, J. Dos Passos, T. S. Elliot, F. S. Fitzgerald, John Steinbeck, Theodor Dreiser

Gertrude Stein

  • she stayed in Paris after WWI

  • she was a supporter of artists involved in the avantgarde movements

  • she experimented with words (the look and the sound played significant role in her work)

  • she wrote about reality (her own experience)

  • her famous sentence “A rose is a rose is a rose is a rose:”

  • works – Three lives, The making of Americans

Ernest Hemingway

  • from Illinois

  • his father loved hunting and fishing and took his family with himself (huge influence on him we can see these activities in his work)

  • as a young man took part in WWI as a member of ambulance service

  • after he became a journalist, and later started writing novels and stories

  • during twenties Hemingway became a member of the group of expatriate Americans in Paris (he described this experience in his first important work The Sun Also Rises)

  • during the Spanish civil war, he worked as a war correspondent (also had influence on his work)

  • he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature (1954)

  • he suffered depression, drank a lot (commited suicide)

  • Hemingway liked adventure (hunting, fishing, bull fighting)

  • he loved Spain (the people, traditions, festivals – for example we can see tradition of Sanferimens in his work but it’s not the only one, all of these are reflected in his novels and short stories)

  • his style is sometimes called telegraphic (because of the short, simple sentences, he wasn’t using many descriptive adjectives – usually adds a sense of drama to the action)

  • he was also famous for the iceberg writing technique (skipping some background, unimportant information and details, the reader can understand the background from reading, it’s sort of minimalist style)

  • his work is strongly influenced by WWI and its impact on the whole society


The Sun Also Rises – a personal tragedy of man who was sexually maimed during WWI and tries to cope with life and himself (setting – Paris, Spain / background – festivals)

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