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23. Post war america

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1991- Rodney King and the LA riots.

  • for LA riots were responsible Black Panthers who used a violent way in the fight with racism (those people came from areas which faced a huge socio-economic problems)

  • Muhamed Ali (American professional boxer, activist one of the most significant and celebrated sports figures of the 20th century and as one of the greatest boxers of all time)

  • 1995 OJ Simpson – footballer and movie star

  • 2000s police shootings and the Black Lives Matter movement.

  • 2012, the shooting of Trayvon Martin

  • African Americans today make up 14 percent of the US population (about 45 million people).

  • during 2009 we witnessed something called Birtherism with the candidacy of Barack Hussein Obama for the US president

  • Obama wasn’t born in the USA but on Hawaii, what many people used as an argument why he can’t be a president

  • the truth is that he is the only president who was born outside the contiguous 48 states

  • this event was tremendously important for the whole society

  • the first time in history when the president of the US had a black skin

  • today is the situation in the USA incomprehensibly better than before 50 years but the roots of racism are still seen there


  • practice of making accusation of subversion (převrat) or treason without proper evidence

  • term refers to US senator Joseph McCarthy

  • period known as Second Red Scare

  • characterized by political repression and a campaign spreading fear of communists

Cold War

  • following World War II (1939-45), the democratic United States and the communist Soviet Union became engaged in a series of largely political and economic clashes known as the Cold War

  • the intense rivalry between the two superpowers raised concerns in the United States that Communists and leftist sympathizers inside America might actively work as Soviet spies and pose a threat to U.S. security

  • the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) had long carried out espionage activities inside America with the aid of U.S. citizens, particularly during World War II

  • as apprehension about Soviet influence grew as the Cold War heated up, U.S. leaders decided to take actions

  • on March 21, 1947, President Harry S. Truman (1884-1972) issued Executive Order 9835, also known as the Loyalty Order, which mandated that all federal employees be analyzed to determine whether they were sufficiently loyal to the government

  • Truman’s loyalty program was a startling development for a country that prized the concepts of personal liberty and freedom of political organization

  • yet it was only one of many questionable activities that occurred during the period of anticommunist hysteria known as the Red Scare



  • attempt to prevent the spread of communism - THE DOMINO THEORY (the belief that if one country fell to communism, it was likely that the neighbouring one would also fall – similar to a row of dominoes falling over)

  • this had happened in Eastern Europe after 1945.


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