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The UK is the island country. It is located off the northwest coast of the Mainland Europe. It comprises four geographic and historical parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Island.

England, Wales and Scotland are formed the Great Britain. The Shetlands, the Orkneys and Hebrides are located off Northern Scotland.

The Isle of Wight is located between France and the Great Britain. Channel Islands are the only part of the UK where French is spoken, and they include the isles of Jersey, Guernesey and Alderney. In English, there is a geographical term British Isles of Man, Guernsey and Jersey. Located in the middle of the Irish Sea, the Isle of Man is one of the most important British islands.

The island of Great Britain can be divided into two regions: Lowland Britain and Highland Britain.

Lowland Britain covers infantile rocks of the midland, southern and eastern England. Highland Britain comprises Scotland, Wales, the Pennines – which are called the backbone of England. There are Cumbrians in the northern part and the Lake District. The highest peak Ben Nevis is a part of Scottish Highlands – Grampians.

And the highest mountain in Wales is Snowdon. The Caledonian Canal is located in Scotland.

Rivers: the Severn (the longest), the Thames, the Avon, the Trent

Lakes: Loch Fine (the longest), Loch Ness, Lough Neagh (the biggest)

Isles of Scilly, Caledonian Canal.

The climate in the UK is influenced by the Gulf Stream. It is mild and humid. It is very raining, not freezing during winter.



Oxford - is a university city located southwest of London. It lies on the River Thames. A popular means of transport especially for students are bicycles and punts.

Cambridge - lies on the river Cam and it’s a university town as well. Cambridge and Oxford universities are a big rivals and every year they organize rowing competition.

Liverpool - is an industrial town which is also famous as the birthplace of the Beatles. There are very important seaport docks.

Manchester – is famous for cotton goods and corduroy cloth production.

Coventry – is famous for car industry (Jaguars cars)

Chester - is one of Britain's great heritage cities, the city is home to the most complete City Walls in Britain dating from the Roman occupation 2,000 years ago built to protect the city.

Brighton - lies on the southern cost of England. The Royal Pavilion has become famous for its Indian, Arabic and Chinese style. Victorian Palace Pier is a centre of entertainment by the seaside.

Salisbury Plains - are famous because of Stonehenge.

Stonehenge - there are giant stones in a circle. It could have been an observatory, a calendar or a place for ceremonies. There is also a question, how the stones could have been transported from the remote parts of Wales.

Bath - was founded by the Romans who build a spa there. Jane Austen lived there.

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