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Middle Ages

In 1215 King John signed the Magna Carta. In the 13th century the parliamentary system developed. In the middle of 14 century was the Hundred Years’ War. The War of Roses was a civil war between the House of Lancaster (red rose) and the House of York (white rose)

Henry VIII

He was 17 when he became king. He had 6 wifes and 3 children. Henry established the Church of England

Marry I

Marry I was the first Queen Regnant (=a queen reigning in her own right rather than a queen through marriage to a king). She was a Catholic and wanted a catholically reforms which exclude her half sister Elizabeth from direct heirship. When she died, Elizabeth became the Queen.

Elizabeth I

The Virgin Queen was a protestant. She refused to get married or name her successor. Her rightful heir was her cousin, Mary, the Queen of Scots. North America, called it Virginia in honour of the Queen. The Elizabethan age is called after her.

Modern British history

In the beginning of 17 centuries the Scottish King James I (or James VI) became King James I of England and both countries were linked. In the middle of 17 centuries there was a Civil War and Oliver Cromwell declared England a republic, he became the head of country.

Queen Victoria

She had a happy marriage and with 9 children, her husband was Prince Albert. Since the middle of 19 century the sovereign was awarded the Victoria Cross, the highest award for courage. During her long rule, she made some African and Asian regions part of her empire. In 1921, Ireland declared independence.


There are many legends, e. g. About King Arthur and The Knights of the Round Table or a more modern one about Robin Hood. Robin was an outlaw who robbed the rich and gave to the poor.



- polo, cricket, tennis, horse racing,


- breakfast (fried bacon, sausages, eggs, tea)

- lunch (restaurants, packet lunch)

- dinner (convenience food)


- detached house, cottage, semi-detached house, bungalows, terraced house, apartment block, __________block of flats



- the official animal of Scotland is the Unicorn.

- one of Scotland’s most famous products, whisky, was actually invented in China

- the most infamous Scottish dish is haggis normally made with the heart, liver, and lungs of a sheep,

traditionally boiled in the animal's stomach

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