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7. Commonwealth countries

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  • Main exports: cereals, chemicals, coal, crude oil, metal ores, natural gas, paper, petroleum products, timber, wood pulp


    • Most population200 km along the US border

    • Longest undefended border in the world

    • Global warming causes the ice to recede – lots of new deposits of resources – mining oil

    • Priorities: FTA (free trade agreement) with Europe (going through the last legal overview now)

    • Equalization programme, it´s a federal government programme – redistribution of taxes; Quebec – the poorest province, yet the taxation for its citizens is higher than other provinces; a lot of social programmes at costs that the other provinces can´t even dream of (cheap day-cares and universities)

      • Some people in Canada think it´s unfair; a bit of a parallel to Scotland (independence; separation), but there are differences...

    • One of the highest per capita income in the world (doing better than the US), some most liveable cities recently - Toronto

    • Problems with the Natives (chief – tribal structure/support)

      • Alcoholism, rape, drug addiction

    • Differences between Canada and the USA:

      • USA is more individualistic (created in revolution – mistrust for the government, no taxation without representation; the concept of predestination) more individual freedom, private enterprise, American Dream


    • Canada more community based, more pro-social orientation, health insurance, very multicultural; on the political level trying to agree with other countries; always trying to reach compromise – sometimes perceived as weakness, Canadians believe in their government

    • Similarities: English, natives, driving, lifestyle

    • POGG (peace, order and good government) federation – collaboration and fairness

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