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7. The media, marketing, image - P

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7. The media, marketing, image

The Newspapers

national nawspapers (subst.) - celonárodní deníky
local newspapers (subst.) - místní noviny
morning newspapers (subst.) - ranní noviny
evening newspapers (subst.) - večerník
Sundays suplements (subst.) - nedělník
journal (subst.) - odborný časopis
weekly (subst.) - týdeník
quarterly (subst.) - čtvrtletník
special interest magazine (subst.) - zájmový magazín
women´s press (subst.) - časopis pro ženy
advertising periodical (subst.) - reklamní plátek
headline (subst.) - titulek
by-line (subst.) - podtitulek
picture = image (subst.) - obrázek
cartoon = comic trip (subst.) - komiks, humorný kreslený seriál
caption (subst.) - text pod obrázkem
column (subst.) - rubrika, sloupec
line (subst.) - řádek
letter (subst.) - písmeno
article (subst.) - článek
lead story (subst.) - hlavní zpráva
editorial (subst.) - úvodník
feature (subst.) - nejzajímavější článek
report (subst.) - reportáž
comment (subst.) - komentář
front page (subst.) - první stránka
home news (subst.) - z domova
internacional news (subst.) - ze světa
law (subst.) - právo
obituaries (subst.) - nekrology
women´s pages (subst.) - stránky pro ženy
crossword (subst.) - křížovka

The Radio

broadcasting (subst.) - vysílání
long/medium/short waves (subst.) - dlouhé/střední/krátké vlny
wavelenght (subst.) - vlnová délka
switch on/off (verb) - zapnout/vypnout
tune in to a station (verb) - naladit stanici
local radio (subst.) - místní stanice
announcer (subst.) - hlasatel
live-broadcast (subst.) - živé vysílání
phone-in (subst.) - kontaktní pořad
competition (subst.) - soutěž
panel discusion (subst.) - beseda s odborníky
receiver (subst.) - přijímač
treble (subst.) - nejvyšší tón
turn up/down the volume (subst.) - /upravit hlasitost/
button (subst.) - tlačítko
knob (subst.) - knoflík
interference (subst.) - rušení
aerial (subst.) - anténa

The Television

screen (subst.) - obrazovka
contrast (subst.) - kontrast
brightness (subst.) - jas
remote control (subst.) - dálkový ovladač
channel (subst.) - kanál
soap orera (subst.) - seriál
record (subst.) - nahrávání
fast forward (subst.) - přetáčení dopředu
rewind (subst.) - přetáčení zpět
advertisement (subst.) - reklama

Marketing is the art of making it aseasy as possible to get the customer to buy the product.

Marketing involves: finding out which goods and services people want providing the goods and services pricing the goods and services promotion and advertising to sell them distributing them to final consumer The main activities involved in marketing good or services are known as the 4Ps. The 4Ps together are known as the marketing mix.


Firms have to come up with product that people will want to buy. They must fulfil some of the costumer needs or wants. Firms have to consider the design of goods (for example – the size, shape, colour, label, brand name and packaging). Packaging is very important because it can attract consumers and encourage them to buy

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