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7. The media, marketing, image - P

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The price must cover the costs of production and provide a profit for firm and it must be attractive to costumers as well. The price must be one that the costumers thinks is good value for money.

There are three main kinds of markets.

1.Commodity markets Deal with primary sector raw materials, for example, metals (kovy) and foodstuff, such as wheat.

2.Industrial or organizational markets Deal in a vast range (obrovský sortiment) of goods and services which other business needs in order to function efficiently.

3.Financial markets Are one of the fastes-growing in the modern world.

4.Consumer markets Are the most important markets in the whole economy.

  • Mass media like for example newspapers, radio or television -> important for us -> we have used to them -> without media most of us would get bored -> our lives would seem empty.

  • Important because : available, cheap and complex source of information -> through media we can learn about the word around us, new technologies or unique achievements.

  • People like to read newspapers, journals and magazines - > we want to be informed and get the latest news so a lot of people buy newspapers early in the morning


  • national x local (morning x evening) serious (objective and serious)x tabloids=rags(entertaining, gossip about famous people) Interesting that tabloids are often more popular

  • weekday x weekend (published only at weekends) There is different sort of articles in newspapers – for example: economics, politics, sport or social life.

  • Published every day ->called daily


  • published once a week/month, bring international and national news, contain various articles and stories.

  • Can be written for: people with special hobbies like photography, gardening, cars

  • Different ages -> for example magazines for teenagers

  • Genders -> magazines for boys/girls ...

  • Journals -> serious magazines written by experts in that field like doctors, scientists or teachers

  • Some people do not like reading newspapers or think that it is too expensive to buy a newspaper everyday can listen to the radio-> cheap, news are read by presenter and there is also a lot of good music.Variety of radio programmes to chose from: News programmes, weather forecasts, chat shows (famous people talk about themselves and answer listeners’s questions), educational programmes, quiz shows, morning shows (news+what time is,songs, jokes), phone-in programmes or documentaries.

    Radio is very popular and we can listen to it and no matter what we are doing ( cooking, painting).

    Television is the most popular source of information for people at present. Many people spend most of their free-time watching TV. There is many programmes too -> News programmes, quiz shows, documentaries, educational programmes and also soap operas, sitcoms, films and cartoons. There is wide selection of TV channels so at any time of a day you can find a programme you want to watch. Today is very important especially for young people an internet, where everyone can find everything in second. Next advantage is that you can find there online televison, radio and newspapers too.

    The Internet

    The relatively recent arrival of the

    Internet has already had a huge impact on the way we receive and send information. Simply by typing some keywords into a search engine, we can find information about almost anything in seconds.

    The Internet has some disadvantages, though – it is an unregulated medium, so it is not always easy to be sure that the information you access is correct.

    Alongside the internet, e-mail has also revolutionised communication. An e-mail message from a computer in Brno can arrive on the other side of the world as soon as it is sent.

    Chatting on the Net

    In these days it is cool if you have for example facebook or twitter. In this social net, you can chat with your friend, you can share your photos and you can do,I think, everything.

    What are media?

    newspapers, TV, radio, internet, magazines, books, films, CD´s, DVD´s provide information, entertaiment, education


    basic function is to provide information: TV, newspapers. We watch TV because we want to know, what is happening around a world – enable contact with the whole world what is the problem with it? We don´t know if it´s true. They can manipulate with information. It´s negative part of media. Media create a certain vision of the Word that may be different from reality – disort reality by selecting what is important and what is not. manipulate reality without media there are no informations second function is entertaiment and excitement it´s a way of relax – you don´t have to do anything, it´s easy way without work children can´t select what is good and what is bad we can create addiction it´s passive way of spending time, waste of time

    culture function media create mass culture – they present the same contact to a large number of people possitive – spreanding idea sof human rights, tolerance uniting people into a global Word negative side – mass culture destroye individual cultural specifics

    social function teach people how to be part a society + offers patterns of behaviour that people can copy, for example domestic violence, drug abusers negative – the patterns of behaviour and different situations are unrealistic create wrong expectations and dissatisfaction

    political function the goal is help us to understand the political situation, they present politicians and political parties and help us create own politic orientation negative is, that media can favour different parties and make a better image


    aim – serve the public get money from concessionary fees, the state and adverstisment, broadcasting time can it be just 1%


    function like a commercial company their aim is to make profit get money by selling advertisment space – is influences media content they need high ratings – provide content that is interesting for the biggest number of people


    Goals of Advertisment

    1.to inform about a product or a service 2.to remined a product or a service 3.to motivate people to buy to product or service

    Types of advertisments

    TV commercial – most effective prime time – time When the TV is watched by the highest number of people – the most expensive broadcasting time

    Selectivity – ability to adress particular target groups advantage

    what is good ? sometimes are entertaining if used for non – commercial reasons, it may serve the public

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