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7. World problems in the 21st century

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INCINERATION - is burning of waste in special facilities. It can cause equality problem, toxicity, ash and odour. It must have filters. Most incineration can be also used for producing energy (steam, electricity).

RECYCLING - is a suitable alternative to land filling or incineration but it presents several problems, for example: technical problems with recycling plastic, because each tide of plastic has its own chemical composition different plastic can’t side together.


The woods are destroying because we are building a new houses, cities, factories and roads. We also use more wood for furniture. Tropical rain forests are burnt because people need more land for agriculture. During one year are destroying forests about area Switzerland. It is happening in Brazil and in Asia. Without trees carbon dioxide levels will increase because trees absorb this gas. We must find alternative sources to get food and wood.

Animals die though the poaching and the fur trade. The popular furs are mink, fox, lynx and sable. Solutions of problems are: opening more national parks, cutting pollution, planting more new forests.

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